Breakdown of Miyazaki's Elden Ring Interview with EDGE Magazine (Day 564)

Read the EDGE Magazine issue here:
And also here if that one doesn’t work:
Official Magazine direct site:

Firelink Shrine – DS1
Character Creation – DS1
Skyrim OST

Twitter –
Twitch –

00:00 Intro
00:11 Edge Magazine Released!
00:28 GRRM’s work on Elden Ring
02:58 Inspirations for Elden Ring
03:30 Expansion of FromSoftware’s team
04:04 Miyazaki on Demon’s Souls Remake
05:16 Elden Ring’s Graphics
06:10 Art Direction
06:22 Impact of pandemic on ER
06:54 ER is the culmination
07:18 Elden Ring the best FROM game?
07:48 Community interviews!
08:11 Tree Motif
08:25 Erdtree
09:10 Recap + Where to read
09:49 Outro

#EldenRing #EldenRingNews


36 thoughts on “Breakdown of Miyazaki's Elden Ring Interview with EDGE Magazine (Day 564)”

  1. Day 135 of wishing you all FromSoftware fans, a very nice day.

    Because it doesn't matter if you are a Demon's Souls fan, a Dark Souls fan, a Bloodborne fan, or a Sekiro fan, we all were born to be Elden Lords

  2. I was asked several questions for this article, but only two of my responses made it in. As someone who deals a lot with datamining, it's kind of funny to have my own personal cut content now. With how packed the pages are, it makes sense Vaati and I didn't get too much space set out for us.

  3. Day 223 of thanking Miura for everything.
    Thank you, Miura.
    Thank you, Mordecai.
    Thank you, Hidetaka Miyazaki.
    Thank you, Martin.
    Thank you, Tolkien.
    Thank you, Tolkien's childhood.
    Thank you, Ueda.
    Thank you, Kitamura.
    Thank you, Hayao Miyazaki.
    Thank you, Kitao.
    Thank you, Sakuraba.
    Thank you, Zhuoxin Ye.

    Really early update, i wasn't ready >.<

  4. In the creation of the world of Elden Ring, there seems to be an active desire for a natural cycle of life & death– as if the natural forces responsible have some good reason for it.

    Call me crazy, but this feels like someone in the world of Dark Souls wanting to make a place of sanctuary away from undeath. Maybe a painter?

  5. I placed my order, got my receipt, but no magazine on the official site! No money was taken from my account either. The site gave no further instructions or info on when they would deliver the digital issue of the magazine. Same problem anyone?

  6. who dafuq wants a shitty game with good graphics? (not talking about the demon souls remake just in general). graphics isnt everything as long as we get a new fun game i dont care much for elden rings graphics


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