Have I Got a Bit More News for You S64 E1. Richard Ayoade. 23 Sep 22.

Richard Ayoade hosts with panellists Mick Lynch and comedian Roisin Conaty joining team captains Paul Merton and Ian Hislop. 23 Sep 22.


41 thoughts on “Have I Got a Bit More News for You S64 E1. Richard Ayoade. 23 Sep 22.”

  1. The special effects are great, the way they make those signs "Mar-A-Lago" and "Art Exhibition Finland" pop out of the spinning globe on Richard Ayoade's desk there, because of all the intricate clockworks they built into the globe in the two previous weeks. Well done! And then they mounted a camera on a gigantic centrifuge to make it seem, at the end, that the globe is spinning the opposite way from what we saw Richard spin it. Also, someone is working the studio lights to make it seem like the globe changes color. The lengths they went to!

  2. 32:17 – There's no evidence to support the theory that someone cheated at chess by wearing a radio-frequency receiver inside their rectum. The earliest mention of this possible explanation for that game is from a person who can't possibly have had any real knowledge and was obviously just speculating without any facts to back it up.

  3. 44:07 – That mobility-scooter was invented for fire-departments hook-n-ladder crews who face mobility challenges. As is the case with very long fire-trucks, the rear seating has independent steering, worked by manipulating the chair's arm-rests.

  4. 43:11 is something I would actually like to see. A ventriloquist (on the right) with a dummy (center, with mouth hanging in the open position because the ventriloquist's hand isn't working it at the moment), and the ventriloquist's dummy's dummy (at left, with a mouth that has a spring that snaps it shut when the act isn't being performed).

  5. What kind of YouTube comment does the google actually censor?
    Hint: Seen a lying ad or BS propaganda here?
    Better not mention it–but just let it push you off of YouTube.
    Too bad the EVIL monopolists have eliminated any better websites, eh?
    No sale. No profit.

  6. That bust of Paul looks like Peter Griffin.

    Ironically trump was correct in saying Biden was sat next to a Third world country (Switzerland).

    Originally "Third World" designation was given to countries who were neutral; not aligned with either the West (First) or the USSR (Second). However, other than Switzerland, nearly all the Third World countries were impoverished African countries, and so Third World became synonymous with those countries.

  7. Criminal Traitor 45 is 3 times a traitor and deserves every legal punishment available, just not a firing squad, as that would be too merciful . Blackmailed an Ally, helping Russia; Incited a violent murderous, ignorant, Insurrection; and committed Nuclear Espionage' . Public stocks is a little medieval and wrong but maybe just this one more time for the orange slime


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