Bible study with Tailah | Salvation & Lordship

Join Tailah for week 1 of discipleship class. We are learning about salvation and lordship of Jesus Christ. If you received Jesus as Lord and savior during this video, please join our free discipleship group so you can grow in relationship with Lord Jesus. Join the community here:

Hey everyone, I apologize for the low video quality. We had technical issues last night on zoom, but knew the Lord still wanted the video up no matter the quality. It will be fixed for the next class.


15 thoughts on “Bible study with Tailah | Salvation & Lordship”

  1. I just have to say this is sooooo very helpful for me . I really want to explain Jesus to the lost . I’ve been saved my whole life and I believe in God with my whole heart but I don’t know how to explain it . Thank you for this ! This really helps!

  2. Personally, your explanation of "why all the bad in the world, an 'happens to good ppl or children'" BCZ ADAM AND EVE GAVE THEIR AUTHORITY OVR TO Satan IS THE BEST EXPLANATION I'VE EVER HEARD!! Most just say "it's bcz Adam n Eve sinned"!! That just didn't seem like a complete ans! BCZ IT WASN'T! THEY SINNED, SO WE NEED TO BE COVERED, BUT, THEY HANDED THEIR AUTHORITY OVR THE EARTH/GARDEN, PERHAPS, AND WHEN GOD SHUT THEM OUT OF THE GARDEN, HE JUST BERY WELL MAY HV TAKEN THEIR AUTHORITY AWAY.. ALLOWED satan to hv it, MADE it to where that's how it IS! No more authority; satan now has it to the degree that God allows! Can you maybe gv an analogy on why He allows some yet not others? Answers some prayers for protection, healing, etc yet not others? Heals, protects, etc some WHO DIDN'T evn pray? Maybe they were backslidden? I understand why He wld do those things for unbelievers.. just sometimes He doesn't for a believer.

  3. Are there some people that Jesus didn't die for? I mean, if Jesus died for literally everyone who existed and people go to hell, does it mean that Jesus died in vain or something? Not trying to be rude here but what's your take on this?


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