Be careful with the solar eclipse. There is holographic technology that can broadcast images into the sky, CERN is being turned on and there is a possibility of another portal opening! Climate change might be linked to CERN.


21 thoughts on “BEFORE YOU WATCH THE SOLAR ECLIPSE: be warned HOLOGRAPHIC TECH & CERN: climate change is a hoax”

  1. They keep screwing around in space they going to do something that is not going to be able to be fixed are something that will end the planet and not be able to go back and it kill everyone on the earth

  2. The rain water late this afternoon had lots of soap type bubbles in it from my back porch. I went to the front porch and saw the exact same thing. I live in Louisiana too and have never seen this before.

  3. I need some filling in. I just watched this video this evening. I viewed the partial eclipse in the State where I live this morning with a group from the Church I attend.. I knew nothing about this until now. I don' t understand why we should not have viewed it. We looked at it and I'm certain we looked at the real thing. It was awesome. I've never viewed any kind of eclipse before so, it was a first for me. So, why shouldn't we have viewed it? I didn't catch the reason in the video. I also don't understand why 'they' would 'fake' a solar eclipse. It's puzzling cuz I'm thinkin' it was all GOD. Feel free to 'un' puzzle it for me. 🙂

  4. 😰Now that I'm a bit creeped out…didn't know that holograms can be felt either. This thing with CERN. Never understood what that thing was designed to do. I remember being nervous when they started CERN, about this powerful atom-smasher or super-collider because if the experiment went awry, it could blow up the planet, or so they said. I still don't get what "opening a portal" means. What kind of a portal? But your observation on that plus the three rockets and how it could be climate chg. stuff, does make some sense.

  5. PS: John Lennon& rooftop Beatles concert 🎵 🎶 🎧 🎼 Hologram shown during most recent Paul McCartney concerts; clips on YouTube. Very Realistic! ✝️🛐🩸🇺🇲🌎🌍🌏🤍🕊️🕯️✌️

  6. Your friend is not alone. I too, refused to watch it for exact same reasons as your trusted friend. Some guy commented on my view and he said you do you. I said exactly! I listen to my gut and is telling me don't look at it. Trending most googled question today from People asking all over; Why do my eyes burn?

  7. I have been watching your videos since The ~Maui Not Wild FireDays ~
    Thank You !! You have a way of Getting the Truthful Facts out in a Completely Understandable, Compassionate , Well Researched … With the World we live in is like being in a blender on High speed .. Knowing The Truth,

  8. I came across you on the video You were Getting ready to go to Maui ( the Not Wild Fires.) Thank You!! Honesty is Difficult to locate anymore, Unfortunately.
    YOU ARE 1 In Billions that I Can 💯 Know im getting Factual Truth !!
    Your Forever Fan /Follower in Southern California

  9. Yeah, they’re supposed to have done or gonna do a replica of people going up to heaven to fear, put fear and everybody and they’re. Also, I’ve heard quite a bit about doing the spaceships bad ones to scare everybody we just got admitted our government is corrupt and Satan worshipers. Thank you, Sam.

  10. Sam, there’s portals all over and there was one right here. I’m 20 miles south of DC and there’s a portal over the capital and or the White House. I don’t remember now but anyway the portal was there and there was a camera that you could always watch. I told my daughter I said wow you should watch that portal And oh my goodness she thought I was the craziest thing around. I just let her walk on. I’ll let her figure it out one day I pray for every day, but Robin, the prophetic man he he and a bunch of others came and they closed it but there’s portals all over and Satan is running rapid, but we got Jesus so thank you for sharing all you share, I’m I’ve been having trouble so I just have to talk into my thing. I hope you understand it. God bless you.

  11. Very good Sam . Yes people don’t understand all the things these agents of “S”are doing . Behind our backs they r just blaming us for stuff they do in space , to the weather💞🙏🏻🇨🇦one of the things I been praying this week is that our Father God will cause these imaginations of men to fail and humble them . That their plans fail .


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