Post Office Scandal: Former Postal Affairs minister 'hopes' Vennells will give back her CBE

“Postmasters don’t need warm words from me or any other politician. They want people just to act.”

Paula Vennells shouldn’t “be rewarded for failure” says former Postal Affairs minister Paul Scully, adding he hopes she gives back her CBE, on #timesradio

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48 thoughts on “Post Office Scandal: Former Postal Affairs minister 'hopes' Vennells will give back her CBE”

  1. As part of the “composition” the post office should be made put up public notice in every post office apologising to all the postmasters and the staff who were wrongly accused of “all criminality” associated with the Horizon software. And include names where agreed with the victims.

  2. All of the sub post master’s convictions should be vacated as it has been shown that no crimes have been committed and the so called ‘evidence’ has been shown to be so unreliable as not to sustain a conviction ‘beyond reasonable doubt’ as demanded by our legal system.

  3. This is the problem with this Tory Gov. When they say something like "this is the role of human first, politician second" can you really take what he says seriously after everything that has gone on under them. Their credibility is absolutely blown out of the water.

  4. Oh so let's have a Public Enquiry which will last how long? It's already been done anyway. 99.9% of it has been exposed already by the ITV drama which was forensic in it's research. Your enquiry has been done for you in your absence of being asleep at the wheel. Why bother with voting for useless politicians when some good old fashioned journalism (not to mention an honourable barrister) and Private Eye which has been covering this story since 2013 and a TV company can wipe the floor with them? We don't need an enquiry into what we already know!

  5. Failure? Fabrication, purgery, conspiracy to defraud postmasters of their savings, reputation, dignity and freedom. MPs and Judges allowed the playing field to be tilted and people convicted without proof. This was not as simple as failure, it involved many intelligent staffers at Fujitsu, The P.O. and the legal profession to cover up Truth for the benefit of Two Major Corporations. They are dishonoured by their own greed.

  6. If she had the bells to hand back any previously accepted offers of appreciation then grovel and apologise to the whole UK public and all those unfortunate employees concerned then just maybe the people of this country would actually accept her as having an ounce of remorse and acceptance of her liability, until then she will be cocieved as an alleged vile individual…

  7. Ed Davey 'seems very human'
    That is just the act he puts on – he is a politician after all. I don't believe he cares about anyone other than himself.
    His pathetic excuse that he was misled is laughable.
    Any halfway decent leader takes the trouble hear both sides of the story before coming to a conclusion, but he couldn't be bothered.

  8. Police need to investigate , prosecute

    Vennells took Cbe 389,000 pay off , she need pay it back .

    Sign the petition , 1.3 Million now .
    She destroyed the papers 2 days B4 second sight were going to release there report .

    She & Fujitsu lied in court , to Parliament , committed theft & fraud ..

    Police need to investigate

  9. Vennels should be investigated but she is just one part of the problem – local MPs, the police, the courts, judges, various local authorities and local papers failed in their guiding principles and actual processes of professional intelligence and/or diligence. 700 postmasters all suddenly start breaking the law at the same time yet no MP or policeman or solicitor or Councillor thought this is a bit of an odd coincidence? Cameron and May and Johnson and Truss and Sunak also stink – they all knew.God bless Private Eye, bbc radio 4 and Toby Jones

  10. I went to the post Office to pay my energy bill ,There was a notice on the door saying it was Shut permanently . Now we hear in the light of the scandal being blown up in the press that Rishi is having a word with the Judges , Think this will be be beneficial to the proscicuted post Masters ? I dont think so ,Probably working out a way to string things out And to cut down the Amount of compensation is nearer the mark . Its a numbers game in a big litigation string out The time & more of the complainents will die ,the government played the numbers game in the NHS contamiated blood scandal , when they are dead or incapacitated the government does Not have to pay

    Will the post masters have to sign a gagging order to get their compensation .

    The questio no one is asking is what happened to the money the Post office said they stole ? How much did it amount to ? who had it ?
    Insult to injury Fujitsu are still being given billions in contracts by the UK governmen

  11. Listening to Paul Scully makes you realise how ineffective our governments (of all colours) have become.
    There are so many hurdles to jump over just to get the simplest of resolution. The fact that most ministers only hold their joba few months before either being promoted or fired almost certainly doesn`t help.
    There is no continuity .

  12. Presumably the CBE was for the efficiency she ran the Post Office with, not letting minor issues such as the destruction of peoples lives get in the way of turning a profit.

  13. Her actions are nothing short of being criminal whilst being head of the Post office so let’s get her served with the relevant actions & papers she is responsible for the deaths of the former post office workers as a result of her actions I hope the past post masters chip in to prosecute her

  14. The courts and our legal system are not blameless in this scandal. There was insufficient critical thinking applied by judges, prosecutors, and some defence representatives. Those charged with responsibilities under the CPIA did not understand what they were required to do, or chose to ignore the CPIA Codes. Those in the position of applying the AG's guidelines on whether to prosecute failed to apply those guidelines.

    Why didn't the defence reps and judges ask why the accused people were threatened with being prosecuted for theft when there was no evidence of 'dishonesty', if they did not accept guilt of false accounting, and if they failed to pay back the monies that a computer system 'lost' or took from the sub post offices? That seems to be an abuse of process.

  15. "she shouldn't be rewarded for failure". This wasn't "failure", this was criminal intent to defraud innocent post masters/mistresses to cover up the massive systemic ineptitude. It should not be her decision whether to give up her CBE and repay her bonuses. She, and all the other managers involved, should be dragged publically through the courts and prosecuted. Just as they did to those poor innocent people.

  16. You go to court typically the guilty party is responsible for the other parties costs.

    Taking all that has happened should not the Post Office / Fujitsu be held responsible for Alan’s group legal fees and give additional compensation equivalent to the legal fees.

  17. Paula Vennells ,Ed Davis, Keir Starmer and Conservative MP'S all did Nothing to help the Sub Postmasters, they should all be hauled into Court to Answer, They and Fujitsu should all fund the Compensation Fund and Not the Taxpayer, It is Absolutely Grossly Disgracefull


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