A Series of Unfortunate Events was kinda insane

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32 thoughts on “A Series of Unfortunate Events was kinda insane”

  1. My sister was obsessed with this how, she read all the books and watched the series. I was dying to watch it but wasn't allowed because it was my sisters show (it's been 6 years and I'm still not allowed to watch it 💀) however I will be watching it now but my sister doesn't need to know 😊

  2. My sister was obsessed with this how, she read all the books and watched the series. I was dying to watch it but wasn't allowed because it was my sisters show (it's been 6 years and I'm still not allowed to watch it 💀) however I will be watching it now but my sister doesn't need to know 😊

  3. My sister was obsessed with this how, she read all the books and watched the series. I was dying to watch it but wasn't allowed because it was my sisters show (it's been 6 years and I'm still not allowed to watch it 💀) however I will be watching it now but my sister doesn't need to know 😊

  4. My sister was obsessed with this show, she read all the books and watched the series. I was dying to watch it but wasn't allowed because it was my sisters show (it's been 6 years and I'm still not allowed to watch it 💀) however I will be watching it now but my sister doesn't need to know that 😊

  5. As someone who watched this show as it was coming out and then continued to watch it over and over and over and over again also I have read ever book and seen the Jim carrey movie. There are a couple things I have to say 1. I think Neil Definitely did the best count olaf (opposed to Jim carrey) 2. In my experience I had watched the show before I had read the books but I recommend you should watch the show as you are reading the books ex. Watch the episodes then read the book or vice versa. 3. That this show is just genuinely good and it doesn't matter how old you are the same goes for the books and movie.

  6. Omg ISTG ever since I watched it when it first came out I literally haven’t been able to find anything like it (I’ve heard people mention cartoon shows like it but I honestly don’t like cartoons.), so I’ve just been rewatching it since 2017 nonstop- and I’m still not bored of it. There’s so many little tidbits of information and eastereggs that you find and hear from the characters by watching it over and over again. It’s truly an incredible series.

  7. I read the first three or four books, but never finished the series. Are the parents actually alive in the books as well?

    Also, the show seems somehow less fucked up than I remember the books being.

  8. I read the books growing up (my brother and I fought over who got to read each one first since we only had one copy), and loved the first season of this show but forgot they ever made more. They finished the series? Wow. I’ve gotta watch the other two seasons. For some reason I’d been assuming Netflix just bailed after one as they often do.

  9. I remember reading the entire series in the library back in high school. My school also had the movie version and I watched that with my family before the series came out and we watched that but I was so obsessed with it at the time


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