Asmongold Reacts to "Lost Ark's Most Controversial Item" | by Stoopzz

Asmongold recently found the dumbest Lost Ark system – a pay-to-win inducement disguised as a way to help players. In response, Stoopzz has made a video explaining how this feature (Pheon Market Tax) works and how Pheons quickly became the most controversial item in Lost Ark.

0:00 INTRO
0:35 Asmongold’s Announcement
2:35 Lost Ark’s Most Controversial Item

Original Video:
Lost Ark’s Most Controversial Item Causing New Player Issues – Pheon Market Tax Explained
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46 thoughts on “Asmongold Reacts to "Lost Ark's Most Controversial Item" | by Stoopzz”

  1. Best solution to fix the game

    Don't play it simple, -1 or a 100 things to worry about when a game plays like a day job. AGS and SG won't change it since their main target audience is still the whales. They don't really care about the small fishes, aside throwing in some fish food occasionally for the smallies to gobble. Without the small fish there isn't any whales that's all. As long as they do enough "events woohoo" to incentivise the small fishes to stay on, they don't need to make any massive change to the fundamental issues of the game.

  2. To me, it seems like the people that are okay with pheons don't play more than one character or do not care about increasing their characters via engravings. So they have tons of the pheons but never really spend it. I've had people tell me that it helps as a gold sink to get rid of gold to help with the gold inflation. But If everyone had lots of gold then the prices of crystals would go up. And like stoopz said, it's meant to stop auction house flippers. yet there is a 3 trade limit that would do the same thing at some point. And it also does not stop it 100% because if someone truly undervalues an item it's still profitable to buy and relist it regardless of the number of pheons. Now I would not mind pheons if you didn't need so many of them. Some say "once you buy your accessories you won't replace it so it's not so bad" yet they forget about the ability stone that's all RNG and if you get unlucky you will fall into a pheon pit of hell like i did. Now include your alts that you want to get somewhat geared as well so you're not useless in dungeons, and you will be spending half your gold on pheons alone.

    Let's call it what it really is it's another currency that they invented to force f2p players to buy crystals. That way the whales keep swiping and selling crystals. The "Auction house flipping" is just what they are using to hide the actual truth as to why pheons were created. Which is not a good thing. I know it's a f2p game and like I said, I would be okay with it if you did not need so many dam pheons for 1 transaction.

  3. The worst part is if you dont feel like spending real money to buy skins, you still need pheons to trade it for gold. A SKIN, which also has a trade limit itself.

  4. People need to realize that any Blue Crystal in game (aside from given ones by devs) came from someone else buying Gold with Royal crystals (Real money) in which the buyer bought the Blue crystals OR the actual Royal crystals (Real money) packs that gives you Blue crystal, so effectively ANY pheon is only purchasable because there was REAL MONEY involved to generate the blue crystal in the first place. The only reason why these money grabbing systems work is because people overall have room temperature IQ and cant see things the way they truly are, youre basically easily manipulated by your lack of intelligence. These dumb people seriously cannot understand this concept and seeing them supporting it "YoU cAn BuY tHeM wItH gOlD" is genuinely something that pisses me off, AGAIN, you can buy them with gold BECAUSE someone is buying your gold with real life money and blue crystals are THE BYPRODUCT of that exchange, its simply a disguised money grabbing system that most people cannot understand.

  5. To expand on what stoopz tried to explain: before pheon, the tax was on the seller, nobody wanted to sell. They would then create the same or a similar class as an alt, and transfer their good set of accessories. This worked unlimited times because there was no pheon, allowing you to transfer them through storage. This allows you to farm a lot of drops and wait for a crazy roll, at which point you would sell the drop for a very high amount and it makes your tax very invaluable. We see this situation reversed with the tax on the buyer; we want to buy things for very cheap, taking into consideration the additional inherent cost of the transaction itself. For example, let's imagine 20 pheons cost 100g. To buy an item worth 1000g, ideally I would want to pay 900g and my 20 pheons brings me to a breakeven value. Were these roles reversed, and that 100g worth of pheons attached to the seller, the absolute minimum price of an item would have to be 100+cost. The former creates a plentiful market full of great value on easily farmable and even mediocre gear whereas the latter creates a scarce market, full of perfect gear at high prices as well as only finding gear spec'd out for the most popular classes, as that's who is most likely to make the purchases. If the pheon didn't exist, giant p2w merchant guilds would hoard all the gold, trade every item down to it's last trade (so a rival p2w merchant guild couldn't compete) then sell it for way too much. They would run thousands of bot programs to get every piece of material and gold and have complete control of the economy. Granted I'm probably exaggerating the scale of what their capabilities would be, this is an example of what could happen. But like asmon said, this could happen with pheons too it would just increase their resale margins right?? Wrong. If it could happen it would happen, and since it isn't happening in na eu, or any of the more established regions, we can understand that it isn't possible. Idk why or how, it just isn't

  6. I think it's funny his viewers don't have the same endgame perspective has him because they funneled their gold to him and stunt their own progression. I don't think it makes them less wrong but there's some irony here lol

  7. If the goal is to stop flipping being a thing, just make it so after initial sell the item becomes bound. Oh wait that won't promote people to spend money on their game.

  8. If ever you feel bad about your intelligence or just feel dumb look no further then Asmon's chat. The poor dude I feel bad for him having so much negative IQ ppl in his chat. It's pretty bad at this point to be honest. These people are harassing their own community members for trying to tell them they are agreeing with things against their own self interests in mind. It's actually the dumbest thing I have ever seen. Americans lmfaooo

  9. how would having the tax in gold be any less p2w? your idea is based entirely on the pheon tax being more impactful gold wise for the average player than there being a lack of accessories/extremely infalted accessory prices, which you definetly dont know, and likely isnt the case.also the only reason you are feeling the pheon cost so badly is because u are a whale lmao

  10. It boils down to intentional obfuscation. It's a gold tax with extra steps. The only reason to disguise it like that is if it benefits the game studio to do so.

  11. Thank you for bringing this to light. Pheons are the bane of the game in tier 3. Having 5 tier 3 characters and not being able to trade gear without a one dollar tax is complete trash.

  12. Seriously, these meaningless conversations will not be generated soon. I agree the pheon is way too expensive but the system is not to be totally blamed at all.
    He's kinda 0.1% top player now, and the system is targeting average players (whose characters are maybe in T2 or T3 inits).
    To prevent the behaviors like asmon wants (printing golds with 9999999999+zerkers, can be classified as a soft "bots"), the pheon system is created(plus flipping, it WAS in KR server, please dont mention it.)
    But for average players, Smilegate distributed almost 1000 pheons in KR through the dailies and events for about 2 years.
    Please regard the fact that he is in a position of whale. So its kinda complaining of a whale who doesn't want to spend.
    Furthermore, goldriver mentioned in LOA ON, the rock and quality system is for whales to spend money (because there is no equipment destruction).
    I fully understand what youre talking about and it helps the game keep healthy. But wait, SG and AG will do pheon giveaways soon.
    Conclusion : this is a pain period for all users b4 the "relic" equipment settlement. IK now you have pains. please wait for valtan raid. b4 then, this game is trash. play elden ring or something else

  13. I feel really really stupid not understanding the issue.
    Pheons are bought with Crystals, which are bought with Gold. So aren't Pheons effectively just a convoluted gold tax? What's the hell is the difference between it being a gold tax or a pheon cost? Why not just have a regular gold tax like every other game, then?

  14. The more I'm hearing about these convoluted systems waiting at endgame, the less I'm motivated to get back to leveling instead of playing Elden Ring.

  15. Honestly you should be able to trade accessories between alts and gear freely same as BDO. If people want to play 5 of a class and use the same set of gear I don't see the issue you can in BDO. It giving you more reason to play by expanding your options not less by sustaining an alt grind a lot people wont even do.

  16. Pheons are indeed annoying, but it actually has a positive impact on the economy of the game, believe it or not. When pheon system didn't used to exist in kr, prices for good accessories were through the roof and no f2p players could afford them, since you still could trade them 3 times. Same for stones. Since there are no pheons, whales could just buy stones again and again till they got a good stone, pushing their prices up. When pheons were introduced, market flipping werent profitable anymore, stabilizing the prices for accessories and stones. So in a way it actually helps f2p players. I think people need to stop immediately jumping on the negative bandwagon whenever something is on the cash shop. They actually ruin the game for themselves.

  17. hearing about WoW bans for AH manipulation's kinda surprising. Back in the day in OG vanilla WoW I made all my money from flipping epics on the AH (before people/addons were too AH savvy, around 2000g before even hitting 60, got my epic mount and a GBW staff [which back in the day was Money] by like l52), though I definitely agree that AH manipulation's bad for the economy. Wonder what the trigger is for them deciding you're an AH manipulator vs just being someone "playing the market".

  18. "Once you get to 1370 would be easy to just transfer gear to another character and have it at 1370 and the same class and just do this over and over"
    ~And what's the problem on that?? Wouldn't that make people play your game?

  19. This is another reason why f2p mmos generally suck. They always tie the market to progression and monetization in big ways, so you have to practically be a market analyst to play so you can sift through all the f2p obfuscation to buy/sell things. I just want to kill stuff and get rewards for it and not have to worry about playing a market.

  20. The pay2win whiteknights that defend these toxic systems are so annoying in this game. Only other game ive seen this level of copium is bdo. They act like everyone else couldnt possibly have any comprehension of the games workings and if you dont like a trash system then you must be a terrible player that wants everything easy. The LA forums are lit up with these idiots defending trash systems in game and calling everyone else names. Theres a reason every single pay2win mmo fails in america. We dont have patience for arbitrary garbage from a video game when there are plenty of other games out there to play


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