#AskAbhijit 135: India-US Relations Nosedive?

Episode 135 of the #AskAbhijit show: I answer your questions about current affairs, geopolitics and history … ask me anything.

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0:00 intro music
1:00 hi, hello…
3:12 how to ask a question, what is the right way to ask a question?
5:20 why did usa helped pakistan with 450million$ f-16 revival, is usa playing pak card…?
20:52 why did malayasia deny to buy HAL tejas and went for korean KAI T50 and do you think USA had a hand in it as they are in joint venture between korean aerospace and lockheed martin?
26:55 why did pm modi say today is not an era of war to president putin?
32:55 will china president interact with modi after galwan clash
35:57 view on chinese response that they will support india’s presidency on sco summit
38:51 if sir could give advice to jaishankar and pm modi, what would it be reagarding their foreign policy…?
41:33 recently french foreign minister visited indian and offered no limits partnership to india and wanted to become defence partner than supplier..does it mean france will helpindia with nuclear attack ssubs, is it liike somethign taht russian and chinese will have?
50:03 india is going to spend 75000 crore on andaman and nicobar island,are environmentalist justified, what i f investment goes to vain?…how is it important in stragtegic way?
59:05 jordan peterson says british is the only country who help rid of slavery, are some of his points true, what is your opinion?
1:07:35 has sir seen tucker carlson say on his program britain left india a civilisation and indians can’t createarchitecture like old victorius terminus,…why do people believe this and justify colonial crimes like this, especially in the west?
1:12:35 what is this going on in the american academia about calling it south asia instead of india, any indian achievement they name it as south asian and any negative aspect they call it indian.what is th reason behind this entire south asia narrative?
1:20:40 when will india become 3rd largest economy?
1:23:30 what are your thoughts on biden being given special convoy in uk for the queen’s funeral while other world leaders will travel by bus?
1:27:44 during french vs british in india, do you think french might have been good for nation, or all european conqueror of same mindset
1:34:20 how did the phillipines become a christian country?do they know their history, and why cant’t they re-embrace their indigenous religion/culture?
1:42:00 someone read an HT article where they compared attuturk to nehru and attuturk really built the golden way of turkey and nehru just took the credit of IITs, AIIMS, IISc, does sir think they had?
1:46:45 could you please tell me the origin of sindhi people?are they aryan or dravidian?
1:50:20 someone says early wheat evidence from begash, central asia share common morphological traits with wheats from indus…what your thoughts on this ?
1:54:28 sir has told mindschackling facts about japan and germany under us military?does sir have similar brain blowing facts regarding israel, maldives and italy?
1:58:43 how about carriers that can submerge to avoid enemy and are functional to launch drones or land helicopters. will that design be a valuable add for us?
2:02:37 Q had built a submersible aircraft carrier in a james bond
2:03:40 is academic excellence everything
2:05:49 how does turkey have more geopolitical influence then india?
2:08:40 who was gaja mada?
2:09:30 bye, thanks…

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48 thoughts on “#AskAbhijit 135: India-US Relations Nosedive?”


    0:00 intro music

    1:00 hi, hello…

    3:12 how to ask a question, what is the right way to ask a question?

    5:20 why did usa helped pakistan with 450million$ f-16 revival, is usa playing pak card…?

    20:52 why did malayasia deny to buy HAL tejas and went for korean KAI T50 and do you think USA had a hand in it as they are in joint venture between korean aerospace and lockheed martin?

    26:55 why did pm modi say today is not an era of war to president putin?

    32:55 will china president interact with modi after galwan clash

    35:57 view on chinese response that they will support india's presidency on sco summit

    38:51 if sir could give advice to jaishankar and pm modi, what would it be reagarding their foreign policy…?

    41:33 recently french foreign minister visited indian and offered no limits partnership to india and wanted to become defence partner than supplier..does it mean france will helpindia with nuclear attack ssubs, is it liike somethign taht russian and chinese will have?

    50:03 india is going to spend 75000 crore on andaman and nicobar island,are environmentalist justified, what i f investment goes to vain?…how is it important in stragtegic way?

    59:05 jordan peterson says british is the only country who help rid of slavery, are some of his points true, what is your opinion?

    1:07:35 has sir seen tucker carlson say on his program britain left india a civilisation and indians can't createarchitecture like old victorius terminus,…why do people believe this and justify colonial crimes like this, especially in the west?

    1:12:35 what is this going on in the american academia about calling it south asia instead of india, any indian achievement they name it as south asian and any negative aspect they call it indian.what is th reason behind this entire south asia narrative?

    1:20:40 when will india become 3rd largest economy?

    1:23:30 what are your thoughts on biden being given special convoy in uk for the queen's funeral while other world leaders will travel by bus?

    1:27:44 during french vs british in india, do you think french might have been good for nation, or all european conqueror of same mindset

    1:34:20 how did the phillipines become a christian country?do they know their history, and why cant't they re-embrace their indigenous religion/culture?

    1:42:00 someone read an HT article where they compared attuturk to nehru and attuturk really built the golden way of turkey and nehru just took the credit of IITs, AIIMS, IISc, does sir think they had?

    1:46:45 could you please tell me the origin of sindhi people?are they aryan or dravidian?

    1:50:20 someone says early wheat evidence from begash, central asia share common morphological traits with wheats from indus…what your thoughts on this ?

    1:54:28 sir has told mindschackling facts about japan and germany under us military?does sir have similar brain blowing facts regarding israel, maldives and italy?

    1:58:43 how about carriers that can submerge to avoid enemy and are functional to launch drones or land helicopters. will that design be a valuable add for us?

    2:02:37 Q had built a submersible aircraft carrier in a james bond

    2:03:40 is academic excellence everything

    2:05:49 how does turkey have more geopolitical influence then india?

    2:08:40 who was gaja mada?

    2:09:30 bye, thanks…

  2. Beauty standards of a society are reflected in their art and literature , in that context –
    Historians consider Mahabharat to be written by so called " Aryans " ( white skinned ) , who came from outside and subdued the so called native Dravidian people ( dark skinned ) , if we consider this true , then how can Draupadi ( a dark skinned woman ) be considered as the epitome of beauty in the text ? #AskAbhijit

  3. #AskAbhijit sir, there is an article by luna sabastian from cambridge University about ramayana as the racial hatred in which she describes that forest tribes were known as rakshasas because of their totally different way of life and that's the reason for their defamation by the aryan brahmins and Hindu has a concept of rakshasa marriage where they abducted the women and get married as their heroes did like arjuna and krishna(here she gave ref from bakim chandra novel but not the actual mahabharat where her lie will caught) and hindutva founder savarkar implement this rakshasa marriage on Hindu nationalism as an good to do so with mushlim womens and spreading fear among the minorities for their political gain.
    These types of articles should be answered by our people as they propagated their propaganda in a subtle way, what's your thoughts sir

  4. #AskAbhijit did you create the democratic ratings and set of rules (Chavda Index of Democracy) you were going to write which based in Indian democratic values and which would depict Indian Interest! I thought you said, it would be done by May 2022. Was it done and somethng I missed? I am eagarly waiting for your take on the democratic index of countries 🙂

  5. I think America's strategy of using pakistan against India will never work, even in the past when we were not that strong we defeated Pakistan one side so now it will be not an issue. This petty politics of America is outdated now.

  6. #askabhijit we have many European countries union talking about how the "entire world" is addicted to fossil fuels, I understand it was an urgent issue but suddenly it seems to be the only focus, is it for both distraction from the way Europe is insufficient in dealing with its energy supplies rn and to somehow downgrade the countries that seems to put a check point to countries not offering them gas for the winter?

  7. #AskAbhijit Superior weapons technology seems to be a hallmark of any Modern superpower. why wasn't indian civilization able to invent or build projectile weapons in order to defend itself from invaders and colonizers despite all its great scientific achievements. One of the biggest reason the British conquered India is that they had guns and we didn't. Please correct me if I'm wrong

  8. #askabhijit Sir, considering US as superpower of world at 2001, can we blame US itself for 9/11 horrific event of mass murder. As within few years USA was ready with plans to invade middle east whose consequences can be seen even today as Arab Spring or Afghanistan incident of 15th Aug 2021 and now changing world order.

  9. #AskAbhijit Recently the US NSA and Monsieur Macron praised Modiji on his statement "now is not the age of war". The Kremlin also seems to be very happy with this statement. What diplomacy has Modiji played which has pleased both Mr Putin and Mr Biden alike?

  10. Liked everything besides the temple being brought down to build a church in Pondicherry. Why does he need to say this? Does he need to start another riot? There are a million other temples in India but no he has to focus on a church that was supposedly built over a temple. Hindu extremism at its most subtle

  11. #askabhijit Hello Sir, I think Turkey has been poking around with Kashmir far too much. Erdogan has been constantly raising this issue in the UNGA in recent years. How can India teach Turkey a lesson in this matter besides tourist sanctions? How can India build better relations with Greece and Cyprus to put pressure on Turkey?
    Jai Hind

  12. IMO the US is forcing India to break its relations with Russia. But Why?
    The US and UK allied with Pakistan from 1947 (the UK has never forgiven India for kicking the British out) and as sweet revenge they are determined to give Kashmir to Pakistan, and have made Pakistan their Proxy Army. But with the Soviet support and now with Russian support it is not easy to take Kashmir. If India breaks relations with Russia, and with no super power support, to stand up against the US and its western allies, India will most certainly lose Kashmir.
    Economically Pakistan has tilted towards China, but Politically Pakistan is a sworn ally of the US and UK.


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