After Debunking Trump Denialism, Neil DeGrasse Tyson Tackles 'Unexplained' Flying Objects

Congress held its first public hearing on UFOs in over 50 years, signaling how lawmakers are pressuring military leaders to take the issue more seriously. Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson joins MSNBC’s Ari Melber to discuss the hearing, the “multiverse” and black holes. Tyson has previously joined Melber on The Beat to discuss anti-science and anti-climate change rhetoric on the Right.
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24 thoughts on “After Debunking Trump Denialism, Neil DeGrasse Tyson Tackles 'Unexplained' Flying Objects”

  1. Neil is fully aware of two things – the fact that we have undeniable radar, sonar, satellite data and even images and videos and he's also aware that most people who do encounter these sort of things whether its a sighting or abduction are generally ridiculed and ostracized by society.

  2. TOGGLE GRAVITY ON/OFF??? UAP Time Crystal Technology?

    ​Time Crystal like Non-Symmetry could postulate that Newtonian Laws can be "Diffracted" (toggle) states in sequence from one present time to another present time? Like: ​toggle a straight line then line so far – the line continues offset, parallel – see Quantum Computer becomes a Time Crystal @

  3. The biggest dis information agent Neil degrass. Who really takes him serious anymore. He's just digging himself a deeper hole he will never be able to recover from. It's more than obvious at this point. So why is he still got his head in the sand?

  4. Well there are hundreds of videos of UFOs and stories of military seeing UFOs and having military nukes turned off and on. All over the world and still everyone says aliens are not real so for him to say that we wouldnt need the government to hold a conference to know when they come to earth is just dumb. People have found tech in there bodies after being abducted and everything yet the government and people still it's not true everyday, and them devices had tech made from things we couldnt even make yet like carbon nanotube, and that was before we could make them like in the late 80's early 90's, so yes the world would need the government to belive you could have 4 million people film aliens landing on the white house yawn and it would still take 6 years for people to belive and 6 years of millions of people saying they debunked the video. It is just how the world works no one believes until they see it for themselves

  5. He says if the government was really stockpiling aliens or there tech wouldnt someone like a janitor just come out with the truth or a video and become a millionaire, ah where have you been for the last 100 years lol there has been like 50 whistle blowers over the years and almost all of them had been fired and there lives ruined if not ended up dead. It happens all the time lol. The government just discredits them to the media and covers everything up. With the help of people like this

  6. I'm a retired airline pilot and a former USAF F-15C pilot. The Eagle remains one of the hottest jets in the world, but 40 years ago it was THE hottest and most capable fighter aircraft in existence. The soviets had a fighter which could fly slightly faster, but it ruined its engines when it did so, and it wasn't good for anything else. After 50 years in service, the Eagle remains the only undefeated fighter aircraft in the world..
    It was a career killer to mention ufo or "uap" encounters back then, but we encountered them…and it wasn't even a rare event, in some areas. Near nuclear facilities of any kind, near extensive military training or combat, even near large gatherings of humanity, from protests to races and festivals. They behave very much as though they are gathering data on us…for what purpose we don't know.

    Is NDT drunk in this video? I ust have very little use for this man. He is certainly is not "my" astrophysicist. But I digress.

    NDT rambles on about how very unlikely uap's are, yet he has no explanation for the recent released military footage either. Multiple aircraft, ships, pilots and RIO/GIB types, radar techs, a plethora of different sensor suites…and all they do is mumble old standbys like "ghost image" or "artifacts" or "lens flares" etc…Tose might explain pictures, sure…but no fighter pilot has ever gone head to head with a lens flare. The guys were visual, meaning they saw the bogeys- technically "tallied" the bogeys- with their very own mark 1 eyeballs. Fervor tried to engage one, but it blipped 60 nm away in a few seconds, far faster than anything we have ever fielded.

    I had two different encounters, both while stationed in Alaska. I have no idea what those things were, but I can tell you for absolute certain what they are not. They are not current day human technology. Period. Not a doubt in my mind. From another planet, another time, another reality? Maybe. Thats FAR above my paygrade. FAR. I can tell you that even though my wing man and I were sitting in two of the hottest tactical jets in existence, we were made to feel like we were flying piper cubs to their…I don't know, X-15 maybe?

    What is just as odd is our government's attitude toward all of this. Here these superior aircraft seem to be able to fly with impugnity anywhere they wish, including nuclear plants, military restricted airspace of all types, over battlegrounds…and the government not only doesnt care, they don't even want to hear about what we're seeing.
    These things have been doing this for at least 75 years, probably more like thousands, but we'll stick with modern usa. If we owned this technology, why keep it secret so long? It isn't doing us any good locked away in vaults, lets use it! Lets explore the stars, at least our own solar system! Lets crank up that unlimited power and make life great for everyone! Lets terraform mars and become multiplanet! Lets do SOMETHING besides sit on it and hope it will hatch. We'd probably stop wars all together if we had unlimited power and an entire galaxy to explore!
    It makes no sense to hide the fact that we posess that much life changing tech. So I have to assume that WE don't have it. Has the alien race warned our government to stay put, is that why 50 years after our last moon landing we are just now muttering something about going back? We could have a launch facility there by now, and probably figured out a way to lift things to the moon much cheaper, with 50 years of experience and healthy human competition under our belts.

    Its all very odd, isn't it?

  7. Not a good answer with UAP. Not even an opinion? The objects recorded were tangible, not natural phenomenon. Baffled by his no thoughts or suggesting what the military captured. 🤔

  8. Hmmm, How about someone takes a picture of a serial Killer in Action? What they are all gone or They don't want to be in a picture! How difficult is that! My point is the aliens don't want to be in a picture. Wow not to bright

  9. NO phones are allowed in the NSA! So the janitor takes a picture !!!! wow, again not very bright. Neil DeGrasse Tyson why don't you go teach some kids about how the solar system works, Kids stuff! Or he thinks we are kids ?!?!?!

  10. Starts off by laughing b4 speaking,, goes off on a semantic quibble, follows with the old "appeal to common sense", common sense of course being the sum total of inertia mixed with sullen prejudice . Then onto the tired old reverse logic trope; "if there was a secret govt project surely it would have leaked and we'd hear about it". Well, yeah.. it Did leak and we Have heard about it. He's going to look like suuuch a fool in a few decades. Probably be portrayed as a comic figure! Archtypal scientific denialist peering myopically towards the past, yet thinking he's so rational.


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