African Grey has Become World's Biggest Troublemaker | Cuddle Parrots

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After some personal experience with bird Chris decided he wanted to get a new one. After some research Symon joined the family. Chris first thought Symon was a boy which is why he named him “Simon”. Later he found out she was a girl. Since then they have bonded very closely. He has taught her over 50 words. Symon loves to be mischievous and chew up her dads work documents. But no matter how much of a troublemaker she is. Chris couldn’t imagine his life without her.

Follow Symon’s hilarious antics on Insta and YouTube:

More African Grey parrot videos on Cuddle Buddies:
Sassy Parrot Is Friends with Only ONE Person
Rescue Parrot and New Mom Find Comfort in One Another

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We discover the true personality of each pet, be it silliness or wisdom. We create videos of amazing animals, and show how animals see the world around them. Heartbreaking stories, funny animal videos, rescue missions — with a fresh perspective.

Cuddle Buddies is a channel for people who talk to their little friends and listen to what they have to say. Because every animal can teach us something. They can be goofy and deep, we just let the animals speak.

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24 thoughts on “African Grey has Become World's Biggest Troublemaker | Cuddle Parrots”

  1. I have 2 CAG’s, they rule the roost we adore them and accept the destruction as the totally normal Parrot play it is! Cats knock stuff over too, ours adore dropping things. Our boy Matisse is very bossy, Honey is the quieter gentler one. I can hardly recall life before them. ❤

  2. I got a chihuahua to keep my big dog (best friend, soul doggy) company while im gone but it turns out the chihuahua wont let ne go anywhere without him. If i try to leave without him he does this heartbreaking howl, i just cannot stand to think hes sad. So he ended not being a companion gor my big dog but rather my shadow.

  3. Well, she does have a baritone voice to confuse people . Not to worry, she's a doll. Simone Signoret is a very famous and beautiful actress. There are many variations of the name. Lots to learn from this neat video!

  4. ugh my friend had one of these and she was a bad biter. i wouldnt go there when she was out of her cage. she made me a nervous wreck…i think they belong in the sky, and making beautiful babies. sorry, wild animals shoudl stay that way-wild. no difference than trying to make a coyote a pet. not good for humand and not in the best interest of the animal. its all about people shoe WANT IT! that all it is. i WANT IT! i WANT iT!


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