6/20 part 2.. let's give this one more shot. hopefully a little better area

trying a different area for stream today. obviously the first section didn’t work. going to give it one more shot. Thank you again for bearing with me trying to learn the best areas to stream for you. please remember I don’t look at the track while driving and please remember to respect my awesome moderators. Thank you


12 thoughts on “6/20 part 2.. let's give this one more shot. hopefully a little better area”

  1. Didn’t die in this one 😂😂😂 we now have an inside joke

    See y’all in the next live 🥳 make sure to turn on notification, turn on “ALL” under the 🔔 icon to get updates when we stream live and WAAACHA that like button WACHA WACHA WACHA 🍕🥤


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