The Rise and Fall of Overwatch

This is the rise and fall of Overwatch. Covering the history and timeline of events that happened in the Overwatch game and community. From the official Blizzard announcement in 2014 to the Overwatch 2 Beta in 2022. The story of Overwatch has many ups and downs. Together we look at the news of the past and present to see what exactly has happened to the game over the years. We’re currently waiting for the official launch of Overwatch 2 so who knows what’s ahead for the Overwatch community.


The rise and fall of Overwatch 2022


42 thoughts on “The Rise and Fall of Overwatch”

  1. My first time playing OW was when competitive play wasn’t a thing and the term “golden guns” was not very well known. This was also when Bastion was picked a lot bc of how op his gun was. Me being an absolute chad, picked genji and deflected their bullets 😂

  2. Adding too many new heroes for the sake of just having them makes any game impossible to balance (OW, HoTS, DOTA, LoL) there's a reason why TF2 never changed the class line ups and at best you got side grade weapon choices.

  3. i played semi professionally, in the goats meta times, as a flex dps player i burned myself out faster than a bum smokes a cigarette. i was mentally exhausted, forced to play zarya and dva when i really couldnt perform on them. sad times, had lots of fun with this game 2016 – brigs release

  4. Man, I left OW right around the time Orisa was introduced and came back to it recently.
    What I'm seeing in your video is shocking past news to me. Brig and Doom just man-handling a whole team is so absurd.
    But yes, I originally left because of poor balancing and Blizzard being mute on the forums unless it was time to issue warnings and banhammers for heated arguments.

  5. You know what makes a Game die or al least make it less enjoyable to play ? The E-Sports or Competitive, because everytime someone of this make a Move or Say Something about the game, the game change, most of the changes for characters and ReBalance came because some dude in the E-Sports say Mercy wasn't fair, and people like us how doesn't give a dam about Competitive we just assume Mercy Rivive People, make a Competitive always start a tumor in this games, maybe doesn't kill it but is gonna be there making everything worst, because Competitive comes first instead of the other 80% of the community.

  6. As a long standing Team fortress player. And being around at the time of the TF2vs Overwatch stuff that went down. Both communities seemed to forget that we both lost an amazing person around the same time for us. Rick may the voice of the solider. For overwatch the voice of solider 76. And then I saw some tf2 forms filled with overwatch players giving condolences. And overwatch forms being filled with condolences from tf2 players. For their lose. It was amazing but didn't last long. But to see both communities going through a bad time come together to mourn the lose of solider and solider 76. It was beautiful.

  7. Its not just Overwatch they butchered diablo and it ended as diablow I loved the game when I was a Teenager and its probably my all time favorite Topdown dungeon crawler. Diablo 3 was meh Diablo 4 ehhhhhhh you were right that OG blizz had good PVE and it was known for it. But to be brutally honest? I don't think Blizzard can recover from this its like fixing a car that sunk to a river and got tossed to a cliff.

  8. I got into OW through ThatPunchKid's older content during his Apex exodus
    while I dont understand stuff like wanting specific roles or competitive stuff, I can say OW feels like a shining gem held by bad circumstance

  9. I was about to write a whole essay when you said OG Overwatch was the best FPS ever made. Then you quickly added before the DLC heroes were added LMAO. Okay you almost got me.


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