Found a bunch of old reviews of mine from 2006-2010. Here’s Mega Man 9 and 10 from when they were released. There must be a reason I unlisted these..


35 thoughts on “21 YEAR OLD ME REVIEWS MEGA MAN 9-10 !”

  1. "does it compare to 2, 3, and 9? Not yet, I feel that mega man 10 is more like mega man 4 of the bunch – it's mega man standard."

    Okay I found out why you unlisted this.

  2. I give a lot of shit about NES games and other retro games in general, before having a real videogame in my house i started with the ZSNES emulator on my old pc, later i downloaded a bad NES emulator, and i saw megaman on the roms to download on the website, but every time i downloaded one of the megaman games another one appears in the related titles. In my mind when i was 7, this means that a game is really good, to have a lot of sequences.the first megaman game i have played is megaman2 (since the first game wasn't running on my emulator) but i can't remember why i haven't beat the game. Later i have played all the NES games and megaman7, x, x2 and x3, 8, 11, x4 to x8 and zero1 to zero4.
    How can i feel nostalgic to something that i wasn't here to experience when it released?

  3. “I’m gonna go play the hard mode…
    On second thought, I’ll wait til Mega Man 11 comes out…
    Then I’ll wait 5 more years…
    But dammit then I’ll go play Mega Man 10 hard mode!”

  4. 6:40 That's what I like about Mega Man,each (classic series) game introduced something new,while keeping the formula I'm check,for example:

    MM1: While this game tanked,it walked so MM2 could run essentially,but it gave us the idea of what we're gonna be expecting,also gave us the dreaded Yellow Devil and all its successors later on. Also,the Magnet Beam comes in clutch,as it can cheese a lot of sections if you're into speed running.

    MM2: We're given platform items that can be used for different situations,not only that,but this is where E-Tanks were introduced,unlike the energy pellets in 1,E-Tanks could be used anytime.

    MM3: Possibly the longest Mega Man game,since you got the Robot Masters,Doc Robot stages,and the Wily stages,and to add to that,you fight Proto Man a few times. Rush Jet,Coil,and Marine are brought here,and only two would continue being used since Rush Marine is garbage. Oh and we can slide too!

    MM4: The Charge Shot is thrown in Mega Man's arsenal,and would remain as apart of it for a good while.
    The Balloon Adapter is basically Item 1,however Wire Adapter isn't necessarily needed,but it's fun to use here and there.
    And Dr. Cossack was a nice addition,makes Mega Man's world seem bigger,as we now know that Wily and Light aren't the only ones cooking up robots.

    MM5: Not much to say here,other than Beat.

    MM6: The Power Adapter allows players the ability to destroy certain enemies and structures they wouldn't be able to normally,as a bonus,a few enemies react to it.
    The Jet Adapter is nice,and allows the player to access goodies in areas with huge gaps.

    MM7: Remember the Jet and Power Adapters? Well mash those two together and you get the Super Adapter! Now you can punch and fly your way out of trouble! And you can upgrade it later with Rush Search!
    This is where Bass and Treble were introduced,basically Anti-Mega Man and Rush,but Bass would have different qualities that would make him broken in the games he's playable in.

    MM8: Mega Ball,though not all that useful,it can be used to pull off tricks,clearing sections much faster.
    Rush Bike could've been better utilized,like in Frost Man's stage,or Wily Stage 1.

    MM9: Back to basics,however this game has the most balanced weapons I say…and we can attempt to complete achievements,giving more challenge to make up for the lack of new experiences???
    Also boobs.

    MM10: Music is just great,one of my favorite Mega Man osts,I enjoyed playing this,certain weapons work well for certain enemies,like Chill Spike against the truck enemies,or Thunder Wool blocking enemy shots (discovered that via Crab Puncher)
    Wheel Cutter scaling walls,the weapons in this game have a fun gimmick.

    MM11: Double Gear system,need power? Go red! Need time? Go blue! Not only do you have it,but the Robot Masters have one or the other! As well as Wily! You can complete the game without using DGS all that much.

    I got into Mega Man around my mid-teens,I turned twenty 3 months ago,not as passionate about it as I was,but I still like the franchise.

  5. "A short message to capcom: make this your final megaman, at least for a couple of years"
    Well that definitely happened. Not the part about making mm10 huge but yeah.


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