Plant Grows From Rock On Latest Mars Photo! UFO Sighting News.

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I found this pink and green plant growing from a rock on Mars, its one of the latest Mars Perseverance rover photos so its 100% news stuff. I have reported a white rose on Mars I found back in 2020, but this one being two colors and close up is just mind-blowing. Now you know why NASA puts most photos into false-color. To hide the truth from the public.
Scott C. Waring – Taiwan


31 thoughts on “Plant Grows From Rock On Latest Mars Photo! UFO Sighting News.”

  1. What's with the piles of loose looking dirt two mounds right in front of plant object and four near by behind and to the right of plant,what causes that to be pushed up cos its not wind moving and creating those,no way.

  2. Good find. I saw pictures of a forest in Mars. Hope you can find that (or again?). With A.I. you can pretty much do a lot with a photograph so hopefully someone can 'un-brushed' those old space photos.

  3. The intensity of contrast and colour of that 'object' relative to everything else in the shot indicates that, unfortunately, it's not actually there. If it was there, I'd guess it was debris from the rover or similar. Should it actually be something growing, for it to be the only growing thing in the entire shot, again, means that it's highly unlikely, as one thing growing would mean many more in the near vicinity. I'm absolutely open to strange objects on Mars, there are lots of things that don't seem to make sense, it's isotopic radiation history for example, but this one is a 'no'!

  4. Thats how earth will be . To many bad actors with nukes. Just matter of time before we destroy this planet just like what happened on mars.


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