1,000 FOOT LONG UFO SPOTTED (S2, E10) | UFO Hunters | Full Episode

On January 28, 1994, an Air France pilot, his crew and passengers witnessed a brightly-glowing red and brown disc-shaped object while flying to London. Estimates of the disc’s size were between 800 and 1,000 feet long, more than three times the size of a 747. See more in Season 2, Episode 10, “Giant UFOs.”


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9 thoughts on “1,000 FOOT LONG UFO SPOTTED (S2, E10) | UFO Hunters | Full Episode”

  1. I do love this show but i think they dont have kevin anymore because he knows as more realistic, conversly bill way over speculates and pat keeps bill in check, its a great show, there ate aspects of this show that are just for the ratings i think dr.ted is full of it sorry ted

  2. It's not if they exist anymore. It's: are they a form/s of being that actually lives in space itself, are these craft/s built controlled by other's on different planets? ,are they from another dimension that we are unaware of ? Maybe there is a super super civilization that exists on/in/with Earth but for whatever reason we cant detect or conceive of them . All the way back through Recorded Human History there are God's and Spirits from the Heavens as well as from with/ in this Earth depicted as well as written. I dont buy the notion our ancestors were so ignorant and fantasy prone as too make all this stuff up so consistently for so very long now.

  3. Well I don't know why I expected anything NEW from this channel. Still playing the same OLD encounter stories over and over. Are y'all not aware of all the NEW UFO encounter stories that have happened since 2007?


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