After Being Shot Inexplicably, The God Of Death Gave Her 15 Seconds To Take Revenge!

The Woman Anti-killed The Killer In The Last 15 Seconds Of Her Life
The Woman Took Revenge On Her Killer In The Last 15 Seconds Of Her Life
The girl was shot and had only 15 seconds left to live, but she could pause at will. She cleverly planned to kill the murderer!


43 thoughts on “After Being Shot Inexplicably, The God Of Death Gave Her 15 Seconds To Take Revenge!”

  1. If the god of death comes to give you a chance to catch your killer in what demension would it alter the reality where the shooter knows you’ve set damn traps for them to the point the killer changes his mind to shoot you twice how is that possible if you and the god of death is altering the setup it’s just pure confusion instead of logic

  2. The biggest plot hole here is the fact that shoving flowers into an electrical socket is an electrical hazard that would not so much cause conduction but the flowers to burn, destroying all the evidence in the process


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