ZUKO JOINS THE TEAM!! Reacting to "Overanalyzing Avatar: The Western Air Temple"

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17 thoughts on “ZUKO JOINS THE TEAM!! Reacting to "Overanalyzing Avatar: The Western Air Temple"”

  1. I don't agree with him saying that Aang running from this issue is reductive because it's specifically about learning firebending. Something he not only doesn't want to do personally because of personal hangups, but has the incorrect philosophy regarding because of past experiences. Something he brings up even later.

  2. In the beach episode we see Combustion man burn the message about Aang being spotted by just looking at it and it is confirmed in the lore that Combustion bending is a fire bending ability. Plus he is in the fire nation and a bender so probably a fire bender unless he randomly was a earth/water/air bender witch lore wise makes basically zero sense. But to be fair he actually fire bends like once and its easy to miss plus they are extremly vauge about Combustion bending so it might not be super clear.

  3. Combustion is a part of firebending. Same as Lightning, or how Metal and Lava is for Earthbending. I also would like to point out that Sokka officially killed a character the others had trouble against, something Sokka brings up in adulthood. Itā€™s also worth noting that combustionbending alone proves how dangerous he was, as combustionbending lessons can be fatal, since it requires you to be submerged in water and use firebending with only your mind. Even now we have only had five combustionbenders in the franchise.

  4. It does make ense that moving Combustion Man moves the explosion. It's a very focused form of bending so moving the bender basically changes the path of energy.

  5. This episode has a lot of great nuance of broken trust and consequences for your actions. And Iā€™m very fond of it.

    Apart of me agrees with OA about Aang running from his problems again, but this time itā€™s from a VERY different approach. This isnā€™t just running from his problems. He understands them this time around and knows where he is at. At this point, now that the eclipse is over, Aang has to learn firebending. BEFORE the comet arrives. That means a type of bending he has to learn nearly from scratch and rival the strongest fire bender in the world. He would also have to find a non-fire nation loyalist, and keep pace with it all. Before the comet hits. And he asks all the correct questions, because the chances of tracking Juong Juong again are slim to none. They lost sight of him in a mere instant and have no idea where he went. And at this point they probably couldnā€™t find the high guy from his followers they ditched. (Though apart of me hopes he did meet up with them again one day.) And the problem with Zuko is they DONā€™T know and have next to no clues of his inner turmoil.

    The Western Air Temple has such a fantastic design but HOW HAS THIS THING STAYED HERE?! Itā€™s been under 100 years of neglect! (Which I imagine is why thereā€™s more rubble behind Zuko in the flashback and now. All it takes is one rock to fall off to make a mess.) I love this location donā€™t get me wrong. And I love how impressed Toph is by the temple.

    It goes without saying the group canā€™t trust Zuko. He personally has put their lives in a ton of danger across the show. And while he has never been the type to hurt civilians that doesnā€™t mean he doesnā€™t threaten them. I think the only proper civilian he hurts is the guy he steals the blue spiritā€™s weapon of choice (yes Iā€™m still confused how that of all things was censored) and mainly because he humiliated Iroh. Other than that itā€™s theft to survive. (Still REALLY hope Iroh got a white lotus guy to get that ostrich horse back to June once they left it in the desert oasis.) That being said BECAUSE the crew isnā€™t apart of civilians, they donā€™t really have any precedent for him being like an ally except in the crystal caverns and he IMMEDIATELY turned his back. Sure thereā€™s Azula in the chase, but a common enemy of greater danger is very fleeting. The fact he refused any aid for Iroh back then showed that being the case.

    Zuko definitely didnā€™t help himself because his communication skills are so awful. He practiced how heā€™d address himself and it slowly dawns on him how much he has to answer for and he just hopes his honesty is enough. Itā€™s not, and the fact it dawns on him how much MORE he has to answer for DURING him trying to explain himself. It just doesnā€™t help. But Toph does ā€œseeā€ it but canā€™t get her word in edgewise because how freaked out they are. The only way they WOULD have seen things better the 1st time is if Iroh was with Zuko. Then they would have known. Because they accept Iroh a bit more. And he has tried abdicating for Zuko in the past.

    Combustion Man condenses his path of fire so much itā€™s invisible. And he chooses exactly where he releases the fire ball. Where itā€™s most of the time more powerful than other firebending. Move his head, and you move his line of fire. Unless itā€™s completed itā€™s line you could move it I imagine. The line can move. But it has to remain in his line of sight. Combustion Man is DEFINITELY dead though. If he didnā€™t put up his hand it wouldā€™ve been the same situation as the runaway. But he compressed the line on his head because of his reflexes. And if Zuko isnā€™t fireproof, neither is this guy if the force knocked off the metal arm. His body might be MOSTLY intact but DEFINITELY not the face and chest.

    Zuko COULD have let Combustion Man do his job, and Toph has already told them Zuko was sincere about his confusion and his effort to be better. They know heā€™s legit. (Also fire shield saved Zuko in the boat the pirates blew up. Makes no sense but it WORKS. Maybe heā€™s trying to disperse the fire somehow?)

    Also Zuko can handle the Jet type rock because Toph wasnā€™t trying to kill Zuko. Long Feng ABSOLUTELY went for the kill with Jet. And letā€™s not forget Sokka can get launched 40 feet up with no real issue. And they show just how fast the rock hit Jet by the hyper slow mo.

    And of course the varying accepting of Zuko. Which I love. I got no real notes how well the stakes are built for Zuko not to mess up for making their lives so miserable. He has to prove himself to everyone but Toph. And thatā€™s how they spend the rest of the series. And itā€™s worth it.

    Great episode, no real active additions to OA today. Redemption doesnā€™t come easy. Itā€™s a great point of realism for these people. Forgiveness is hard. Itā€™s good stuff.

  6. "Zuko didn't steal shit, you lost your necklace and he picked it up". I mean, and he refused to give it back unless she gave him the Avatar. That's theft and blackmailing…


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