Zombie Apocalypse Space Station Scavenging Survival RPG – Lonely Space

Lonely Space gameplay with Splat! Let’s Play Lonely Space and check out a game where you’ll wake up in the cryo bay of an abandoned space station full of the ravenous undead.

Download Lonely Space : https://store.steampowered.com/app/2664120/Lonely_Space/
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42 thoughts on “Zombie Apocalypse Space Station Scavenging Survival RPG – Lonely Space”

  1. Nope nope nope. The instant the AI said it's been 50 something days since last contact is the instant I decide I'm not leaving that damn ship. If I couldn't fly it back home myself I'd at least fly it out of the hangar, park it next to the big ship, send an SOS and put myself back to sleep.

  2. This looks super promising. Love the feel and art style more than the SS remake. I couldn’t get past everything looking 16 bit. Once they add proper voice actor and maybe make the character 1 foot taller this would be a must check out

  3. I got a bad grade in an exam in high school that counted towards university acceptance for making up words. The next class I had a dictionary open with a ruler marking the word. Teacher kicked me out of her class permanently.

  4. Hmm I'm hearing a lot of the same sound effects from other games like The Planet Crafter and Forever Skies.

    But anyway this was one of the more entertaining videos, commentary wise 😂


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