…why’d they make this?

Edited by UncrownedJules:

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50 thoughts on “YU-GI-OH'S WORST SOLOMODE YET”

  1. I might've been the only one to experience this, but the Monarch duel was so hard for me while using the loaner deck. The AI just kept getting the best hands they could with the deck. Too many Pantheisms and too many cards to support tributing. AoJ was pure distilled pain to play. I also love how AoJ is supposed to counter light attribute monsters according to the LOOOOOORRRRRREEEE, and can't even do that consistently. Worst solo mode bar none.

  2. I'm okay with some of the older, original story gates that being horrendous but this one is just unacceptable. By now I expect the gates to at least be fun to play and be longer than this, this ally of justice deck is so unfun AND struggles to win against the bot. Actually more annoying than the true draco fight

  3. Well at least this means we get one step closer to the dragon showdown between the Dragunities and the Ice Barriers. I wanna know what happened to the Dragunities after they sealed the Ice Barriers dragons by beating them with a steel chair.

  4. I genuinely enjoyed this solo mode. It makes me hope they give us a full duel terminal lore like they did with world legacy, if not then at least I hope they give us a genex one to rival this.
    (this is not a joke)

  5. i asked for a duel terminal combined/overarching solo mode that would have been a prequel to the gem knights one and then we ended up with this. sorry mbt this ones my fault.

  6. The deck that makes look Tindangle like a meta deck… Thanks Konami

    Maybe next time they'll add part two featuring Worms (Best deck baby lets go)

  7. I actually managed to summon decisive armour in the 4 star difficulty duel. Don't ask me I don't know how I accomplished that either. I didn't check AI's deck beforehand, so I thought it was still playing worms with a little bit of earth machine thrown in. I used decisive armour's effect to discard all my cards and check AI's hand, hoping to just burn its remaining lp. Then I saw machina freaking fortress and 4 spell cards…

  8. So, if I understood that lore right, this deck CANONICALLY is a mish mash of cards that weren't meant to work together, is so bad it can't even beat the thing it was made to counter, and Catastor is the one good thing about it. Is that right?

  9. Wow catastor so powerful in storymode but in rank it lose completely to hi speedroid Chanbara where it can do more dmg. It also synchro lvl 5 monster. It will epic if Ally of justice can defeat branded tear, branded bystial and tearlament Ishizu at it will be epic

  10. Well… That music choice was terrible.. Because that's what somebody I used to know needed: a fucking trap beat.

    But, perhaps, it being awful was the point?

  11. On one hand, it's neat to get official summaries of older Duel Terminal lore.
    On the other hand, the Ally of Justice archetype probably wasn't the best place to start.

  12. I didn't watch this when I first saw it but the title instantly came to mind when playing it. WHOEVER MADE THIS DECK NEEDS TO NOT BE ALLOWED MAKE DECKS. Why is a card that destroys itself against an entirely light deck included? All these cards are way smaller than the worms already and then they gave the other deck atk increasing cards.

    The rest of the loaner decks are jokes too as you just win using non ally of justice cards as they are just garbage.

  13. It wouldn't be so awful if it wasn't basically a pile of shaft commons with no synergy besides a restriction, making an Ally of Justice deck is the same as making a deck of nothing but backrow destruction with a storm in the artwork.


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