You’ll Never Eat This Again Knowing How Its Made

Nowadays we tend to have no idea what really is in the food we eat. There are so many scandals in the food industry all over the world that is difficult to keep up! Companies will do anything to sell their products, even putting our health at risk.
From a product popularized during the Second World War, to America’s favorite sauce, here are 20 Foods You’ll Never Buy Again After Knowing How They Are Made.

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25 thoughts on “You’ll Never Eat This Again Knowing How Its Made”

  1. If you are comfortable raising a child with developmental issues, lower masculinization, or gender dysmorphia, the consumables highlighted in this video might align with your choices. My intention here is to provoke thought, particularly because I believe that elements such as 'penis size' could be of significant concern for many participants in this conversation. Yet the truth remains – it's a reality that needs to be faced.

    Consider this: our consumer products are replete with over 85,000 chemicals. These permeate our air, cling to dust particles, infiltrate our food, water, and soil, and can even be found in rainfall. Only about 1.5% of these substances have been evaluated for their safety around humans. Do you believe this is just a coincidence?

    Food, beverage, oil, and petrochemical industries have long been at odds with Shanna Swan, Ph.D., a Danish scientist who has dedicated her career to exposing the correlation between these chemicals (including those in product packaging) and a shocking 52% drop in human fertility over the last 50 years. Our fertility rates have been on a downward spiral since the 1930s, ever since plastic was introduced to the world. Now these omnipresent chemicals in our environment are linked to a range of health issues including obesity, diabetes, and various neurological disorders. What's more, this is not a localized problem. The demographic data clearly indicate a global crisis – our declining birth rates are indicative of an impending doom. Yes, cultural factors play a role, but something is disturbing fertility across all species and causing a plethora of sexual and gender-related anomalies.

    I urge you to watch this video and inform yourself about the reality of our situation:

    The concept of "Captured regulation," prevalent in economics and political science, aptly describes our predicament. It's a scenario where a regulatory agency, ideally created to protect public interest, ends up promoting the business or political agendas of powerful interest groups controlling the industry they are supposed to regulate.

    I see numerous dubious comments in this thread. Remember, these industries invest billions in influential networks, advertising, and even online commentators to obscure the truth, exploiting the confirmation bias of the uninformed public and their lack of understanding of governmental operations and controls.

    Product packaging is rife with PFAS (Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances) and EDCs (Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals). Take the example of 'Simply Orange' and its PFAS content. Do you think it's the only product with such issues? Practically every product is implicated. Almost every non-organic crop worldwide is sprayed with hormone-disrupting chemicals like glyphosate or atrazine, to the point that they're impacting wildlife behaviors and even inducing homosexuality. This is contributing to what is being referred to as the '6th mass extinction.' Fertility rates are falling across all species, and various species are vanishing. Do you think bees are simply taking a break?

    It's high time we wake up and question these anonymous commentators with unverified backgrounds and potentially questionable motives. The influence networks are vast and pervasive, appearing in comments sections and YouTube videos alike. Stay informed and stay vigilant.

  2. Is there any foods good for us to eat? I’m glad I don’t eat most of the foods mentioned in this article…Growing up on our 10 acre farm as really been a blessing…👏🏽

  3. I love how instances of cancer didn't start dramatically Rising until vegetable oils were introduced and yet there are channels like this that keep telling people that meat products are cancerous..


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