Super Secret Room in Szarr Palace | Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)

Baldur’s Gate 3:
Played on ASUS ROG Strix G533ZX:
Intel i9-12900H CPU @ 5.0 GHz
GeForce RTX 30780 Ti 16GB


46 thoughts on “Super Secret Room in Szarr Palace | Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)”

  1. i found a preasure plate down behind cazadors ritual space that might be related to it?i cant really test it myself i accidentally disarmed the presureplate and destroyed it. but maybe keep it in mind. theres also a button on a pilar in a room close to where the elevator takes you down

  2. What about the lever handle and lever base you can get at the Sharr Temple. I never got the base (but heard there is one there) so I can't test it out? What if you put it in the only missing spot?

  3. If you're looking closely at the bottom of the hole with the cages. You can observe that it is the same chasm that you can go to by cazador elevator. Once down there. just take the first or second door on the east side and you will arrive in the chasm

  4. I posted about this in larians feedback channel in the discord, and a team member let me know that this puzzle is indeed meant to be solvable and that they have notified the team that it might be bugged. Hopefully a hotfix or patch will bring some answers!

  5. Most likely one of the parts that got cut out from the release version of the game, it was intented to make the whole fight and whole mansion for that matter way bigger. More quests that tied into the werewolves as well and the little girl that was affected by necromatic magic.

  6. Thank you, I know it wasn't the point of the video but I couldn't even get that first door to open lol. I saw the button in the other, room but just thought it was decoration for some reason.

  7. not able to move the lever, its just like it isn't even there … I scan the are and it doesn't even show up. and whats with the other levers in two pieces … I can pick them up but cant put them together or use them for anything it seems …

  8. Making a patch 5 comment since it's "fixed"

    I tried everything I could think of with no luck so far. The new pressure plates at the back seem to only correspond to the flame gargoyles (they're turn based, you can hear something turn "on" then back "off"). Either the puzzle is still broken, it's more complicated than just this room, or it's extremely simple and straightforward of just getting through the doors and avoiding the traps to get to the opulent chest.

  9. In patch 5 notes they say "Fixed the puzzle in Cazador's Palace", but what they have really done is remove the levers and add two reactive plates next to the opulent chest. If two party members are on each plate, you don't need to lockpick the chest, it's free to open. That's all there is to this so-called "puzzle". So this is really just a way to open the chest without having to lockpick it, really disappointing in my opinoin.

    Additionally if four party members stand on each plate outside the room where the chest is, the big door opens and you dont have to lockpick it. Hope this helps!

  10. Every time they need to make a diabplo soals like. Just with a shit tone of loot I mean… reallly noww just hundreds of thozands of loot and ways to kick ass. I mean Wyll can be main character because he left off with no warlock powers so you could do any build with him. Or even have being a warlock an option.. from the start.

  11. HOly crap!! I've played with those buttons in the secret vampire den in the attic and ALSO spent hours trying to get into that corner room. It never even occurred to me that the second click is for THAT room!

  12. It appears they have removed the puzzle entirely, no lever to be found. However, the room is still there in almost the same way but with a few traps hidden of very high difficulty, parts of the area that are virtually pointless and lootless are surrounded in traps while the chest only has one trap. XD seemed like they hard core gave up.

  13. Sadly, this must've become even more bugged, because I just went there yesterday, and there were absolutely no levers or lever pieces on those pedestal squares. I was super excited because I'd been hanging on to a broken spear shaft (thought was a lever handle) from act 1…guess it isn't a pressing bug. xD


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