Voodu Warlock 2023 ep. 13: Level 13 – Sands walkups and Offering of Blood

Episode 13 of Voodu Warlock 2023!! Here I talk about changes at level 13 and demonstrate performance in Demon Sand’s walkups and Offering of Blood, which is a flagging quest for Against the Demon Queen and Zawabi’s Revenge (DQ raid).

In each episode I go over gear, feats, skills and other relevant details along with running typically multiple quests to demonstrate performance at every level.

Voodu Warlock build post: https://forums.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/466496-Voodu-Warlock-A-Pure-Warlock-Enlightened-Spirit-Tank-Project-companion-thread

Visit the livestream at https://www.twitch.tv/vooduspyce


5 thoughts on “Voodu Warlock 2023 ep. 13: Level 13 – Sands walkups and Offering of Blood”

  1. I remember when Sands was first released and the level cap was increased for the first time to 12. Back then the Demon Queen raid and WizKing were super hard content! Still enjoy this pack today, and you’re right – these days it would be released as an Xpac like Sharn. Used to suck running slayers out there on foot!


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