You Won’t Believe What NASA Found on Mars

Scientists Find Possible Evidence of Mars Habitability
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Scientists used to consider Mars a geologically dead planet. It’s smaller than Earth and loses internal heat faster. In the past, there was a lot of activity in its depths, and there are many traces of huge volcano eruptions on its surface. The largest volcano in the Solar System, Olympus, can be seen from Earth even with an amateur telescope. But volcano eruptions on Mars stopped a long time ago. The planet’s interior cooled and solidified, the internal cooling weakened its magnetic field, the solar wind blew away the atmosphere, and the remaining water froze.

But recently, Mars has become more active. Everything changed when astronomers studied thousands of images of the Martian equatorial region. The images were taken between 2006 and 2020 by the NASA Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter.

The HiRISE camera took the images at an altitude of 300 kilometers above the Martian surface. The images allow us to distinguish individual objects with a size of up to 1 meter. The study revealed a large number of landslides and debris flows on the slopes of the Martian volcanoes. Scientists have discovered more than 4,500 traces of rocks that have left characteristic patterns in the shape of a Christmas tree, which usually happens after strong earthquakes. The longest trace is more than 2.4 kilometers [1.5 miles] long and in total, these traces are around 900 kilometers [560 miles] long. About a third of the traces weren’t present on images before 2006, indicating that they formed later. It’s clear that only very powerful underground tremors are capable of moving these huge boulders. However, until recently, such tremors weren’t found on Mars.

What helped scientists find out that Mars woke up? How did the recent samples taken from one crater almost come to life? And why will one of the most harmful gasses on Earth be so crucial for Martian colonists?

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48 thoughts on “You Won’t Believe What NASA Found on Mars”

  1. There is tremendous evidence that intelligent life existed on Mars a long time ago. In fact, there are two archaeological sites on Mars that NASA does not disclose to the public or show in photos taken by the rovers. The first place is called Galaxias Chaos, and the second is called Cydonia Mensea. In the Cydonia region for example, "the face on mars" can be found, along with pyramids and other structures.
    But a few hundred million years ago, two massive thermonuclear explosions occurred in the Martian atmosphere. Scientists know this because of the high Xenon 129 isotopic ratio on Mars, and two obvious radioactive scars. The first radioactive site is called Acidalia Planitia (next to Cydonia Mensea), and the second is called Utopia Planetia (next to Galaxias Chaos). Together with the found Trinitite (greenish glass) and the Crypton gas isotopic ratio, there is strong evidence of what happened a long time ago on Mars.
    Xenon 129, only comes from nuclear weapons, in this case hydrogen bombs. It is not known which civilization Mars destroyed. Publicly that is.
    It is clear that Mars had to be completely destroyed because the nuclear bombs that exploded in the Martian atmosphere were of enormous size. The largest about 1200ft, and the second about half. There will undoubtedly still be some structures and foundations to see, but unfortunately NASA keeps all of these hidden from the public. Almost all that is.

    Xenon 129 is not produced in any quantity by a normal nuclear reactor. It's got to be a bomb or a reactor that is making plutonium, that makes Xenon 129.

  2. What I find interesting is human awareness that we need to go to other planets. But we've seen this before in movies and portrayals of life outside of earth, seeking planets to keep the survival of the species in tact. While we are stripping our current home of its abundant resources, we'll go to Mars and begin doing the same. Ultimately prolonging our species but the time will come again and we'll need to find another planet to insure the survival and continuation of our species. All the while our technology keeps advancing and we end up looking like the gray aliens, visiting a planet seeking resources. By this time our technology will be so advanved, we'll be able to create life on a planet and let it evolve into an earlier version of our future selves. Thus the cosmic wheel continues to spin, repeating itself over and over.

  3. I think where life can exist, it probably does. If we look at earth, nothing is wasted so there's every reason to think Mars will be the same… I can understand a reseach facility on Mars but the idea of living in such a hostile environment is absurd. Its like living at the bottom of the sea. How could you ever call a place home that is so toxic that one step outside would be certain death?

  4. I am of the opinion that the pyramids on earth were built to either start or increase the magnetosphere on earth, Some say there are pyramids on Mars. Could mankind have once inhabited Mars but had to leave as the planet was failing as a suitable home.Transported to earth by unknown entities

  5. I advise you to research Elon musks track record, what he promised vs what he delivered and rethink usage of his predictions in your videos. For now I'm unsubscribing and saying goodbye, you clearly do not research topics you talk about.

  6. I'm guessing NASA found life in many froms on Exo Planets but keep a tight lid in it. At least until some of them are allowed to write a book about it. I'm also guessing they will introduce themselves before NASA can.. Maybe they already have..

  7. I wonder about changing
    the temperature of Mars.
    If you could change the
    temperature by changing
    the color of Mars to black,
    how much surface area would
    need to change color to black?

  8. This is all well and good …….. but what we REALLY need to know is: What would happen if someone farted on Mars? (Obviously, you'd have to let your space suit pants down a little bit to expose your butthole …. and let the juicy fart RIP ….. right into the Martian atmosphere.) What would happen to the fart? Would it stink more (or less) than it does here on Earth? What about all the little microbes in the fart? Would they eat the Martian methane and grow in strength (and stench?) Would there be a possibility for fart droplets to make their way into space? Would it be possible that some tiny little fart micro-molecules might somehow get whiffed into space and jettisoned to another habitable world by the solar winds? Maybe alien life would experience the first taste of a human fart many millions of miles away! Hell, maybe we'd seed and spread life on another planet using mere fart droplets!!


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