Xbox Hacker Freezes my Xbox on MW3 @XboxLIVEEnforcement

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MW3 hacker freezes my Xbox because confronting him is the wrong thing to do… Last year, I showed you some footage of a MW3 hacker duo that was hacking infected game modes. I was the only person in the lobby who turned my mic on to confront the hackers. The hackers never turned on their mic to explain themselves. They simply deranked me and then froze me, which wasn’t a big deal as I simply had to restart my Xbox. We know how it goes… 😀

Sometimes, I feel nostalgic and want to revisit some of these old CoD games. MW3 was never the greatest CoD game but I do not deny that it brings me nostalgic memories. So I often pay my respects by sitting back and enjoying a game. I very much enjoy Infected, and it is pretty fun in 2022. It takes longer to find a game but that is because the game isn’t very populated anymore. But it doesn’t mean the game isn’t fun. MW3 is dead but still fun sometimes. And I REALLY hate it when people use modded Xbox consoles or MW3 Jiggy packs to mod the games. In this case, I caught these hackers.

They were a hacker duo as I believe one of them was leeching with cohost. I confront them, next thing you know, they think deranking me is the worst punishment of all. It’s 2022, I couldn’t care less about being deranked. I don’t play the game to compete anymore, I just play it for fun and to experience MW3 nostalgia on my Xbox 360. Good times…

0:00 Intro
0:25 Evidence
1:18 Confronting the hacker
3:06 Xbox Console gets Frozen
4:30 Xbox360LSBEST on my game


29 thoughts on “Xbox Hacker Freezes my Xbox on MW3 @XboxLIVEEnforcement”

  1. @sacramentolove Hmm… if there is any modder clowns like this on MW3 feel free to let me know and I might be generous to hop on my RGH and deal with the clowns. I haven’t been on my Xbox 360 in a few years so if this kind of garbage is going on i will most likely hop on and try to help deal with this situation.

  2. This really does confuse me. I mean like how Xbox Live Enforcement can't see that hackers are ruining content that is THEIR'S to protect. I mean sure Activision created it however Xbox is supposed to make it fair and fun to play without having to go into a damn custom game to play a fair match. I mean if you think about it I am pretty sure if Xbox did enforce their rules the old COD games would be played so much more than new COD. Just because of nostalgia, content, and overall quality of gameplay. Is it just that Xbox doesn't care that Xbox 360 games were a thing. Are they ignoring it. I have many many questions. AND THEN. HOW CAN THEY NOT BAN SOMEONE FOR FREEZING A XBOX. That is literally destroying the xbox for what, satisfaction, fame and glory. Well guess what you ain't getting none of that. I hope these hackers realize that hacking these older games is making them look pathetic. Just grab your controller, look at the damn screen, load up a match. And play the game in the more fair and fun way. However apparently they can't do that and must hack to get more ego (which they will never keep). Really though this just pisses me off to see this sort've thing, but I shouldn't be making an essay in the comment section of someone's video. You deserve more love sacrmento. Honestly I am surprised you don't have at least 100k subscribers. Also Xbox live enforcement. Go fuck yourselves alright.

  3. Hey from your left 4 dead 2 video, I managed to play against mclovin team in Swamp Fever and when I killed Nick by pushing him into the water with Charger , Mclovin started to spam restart chapter. Please make more left 4 dead videos.

  4. I remember my dad telling me stories about the World at war and MW2 days. Based on the way he described it, it seemed sweat free and everyone on there was having a good time. Unlike now with VG and MW.

  5. you should try midnight club la xbox that game full of 40 year old kids with mods that get so mad they start yelling your brick mod weak, and there's 1 guy on that game that gets so mad he crashes everyone xbox

  6. Dude I can feel you how awful it is to freeze/ruin others gameplay. I used to have an rgh back in 2015, but the way that I treated and used the rgh wasn’t like ruining other people’s gameplay. Yes, There are modders who are totally a d*ck and just randomly enter lobbies and ruin the game. But also, there are ones that use it for the sake of ranking up people who are new or lost their ranks and stuff.

    I personally gotta admit that there were times that I used to ruin the game, but then eventually all I was doing was that I was ruining the game and I gradually felt how stupid that is.

  7. I understand the pain sacramento, playing a game you love but it gets ruined by hackers and modders, same gows to me instead i play Cod bo3 with literally hackers with aimbot, wallhack and literall invincibility ( Cannot be seen at all ).

  8. I'll admit. I own an RGH. However, I don't even use it for modding on the CoD games, it's convenient for me bc my discs are old and really hard for my disc drive to read, so I have an RGH so I can rip the game onto my hard drive and launch it w/o having to put the game in the disc drive after its ripped. I don't use mod menus, nor believe in them.

  9. Your my favorite youtuber all of your videos give me memories until my xbox 360 got the red ring of death after I worked hard for all my progress for call of duty


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