Gov. Sununu to Jen Psaki: Best argument against Trump is he’s ‘a loser’

Governor Chris Sununu joins Jen Psaki for a wide-ranging interview including his stance on abortion rights, guns, the debt ceiling, and his thoughts on Trump’s 2024 campaign. 

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#Sununu #Abortion #Guns


33 thoughts on “Gov. Sununu to Jen Psaki: Best argument against Trump is he’s ‘a loser’”

  1. Even the mentally stable Republicans like Governor Sununu are out of touch and extremist. Sununu is a supporter of the NRA, against women's right to choose, voting district manipulation, cutting social security, and goes without question Sununu wants more tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations. Republicans are the biggest abusers of our society and the nation's biggest danger to our Republic. Vote these people out of office on every level.

  2. A more sensible republican, however too fast talking for me. And France had a bit of a problem raising the retirement age to 64. He reminds me of his dad and "Air Sununu."

  3. The fact that this guy is framed as a “moderate” is SO indicative of how RIDICULOUSLY morally corrupt this nation is. It’s truly absolutely disgusting.

  4. Chris Sununu is not presidential material and won’t win against Trump in the primary. He talks a big word salad and is not considered a serious contender for common sense and truth. Trump is MAGA and defines the pathetic GOP. Full stop.

  5. The problem with letting local politicians decide abortion rights, is that the GOP have gerrymandered tf outta red states, & instituted voter suppression laws that target liberal leaning populations. So even tho a majority of citizens in those states want abortion rights, GOP politicians are ignoring what The People want, bc they think they won't suffer any consequences, they feel voter suppression laws and gerrymandering have given them a lock. Like how NC is 50% Repug and Dem, yet the GOP have a supermajority in the legislature that allows them to override the Dem governor. Will results really be any different next election, given the same gerrymandered districts and GOP voter suppression laws are in place?

  6. There is a HUGE difference between PREVENTING mass shootings and RESPONDING to mass shootings! ONE brings with it inevitable “acceptable collateral casualties “!

  7. Republicans believe lower the age to buy AR-15 and other guns to EVERYONE will lower mass murders.
    Recklessness, looser gun laws make the USA a much safer country. If your idea of the USA looks like a Mad Max Movie

  8. Man, Sununu is full of s**t on this one! He won’t say that he won’t vote for tRump if he’s the nominee “because he won’t win” the nomination. HA! He is deluded if he thinks tRump can’t win the nomination. I think it’s very weak of him not to say outright that he would not vote for tRump, period.

  9. What " opportunities " are available for a senior citizen who hasn't already retired and hasn't got the ability or the savings to invest??? He doesn't have any answers. Just another slimh Republican who doesn't care about the most vulnerable of our citizens and is likely in the pocket of the NRA. Hard no.
    Listen to Steve Schmidt on his podcast, " The Warning."

  10. In REAL life an 18 yo male student would easily be able to overtake a female teacher and grab her gun. It is like these morons don't actually think through how anything would play out in a real life scenario.

  11. So the right to take guns onto school property and nothing we do can stop mass shootings is his stance. What about bans on smoking and drinking alcohol? He is ignorant. It’s all about money dude. We know that.


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