WyldFyr and friends React : The Scratched Universe – Episode 6 Part 2 – Smoke and Mirrors

Hello everyone ! WyldFyr here, with another video !

Yes i heard you all out about this video being released, so here is our reaction from our good friend @Blackimus !

We’ll be reacting to the Team fortress 2 series from Blackimus : The Scratched Universe.

I haven’t watched this episode until now, for the second part of the sixth episode, i’ll be with, yet again : The Nightmare Emperor aka Col and isacc20.

With that said, please show support to Blackimus he deserve all the love and appreciation for such amazing work = https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCT7XWMZpbv0k-Thg82-BiSQ

With all that said, enjoy the video~


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6 thoughts on “WyldFyr and friends React : The Scratched Universe – Episode 6 Part 2 – Smoke and Mirrors”

  1. i'm interested to see how far these distorted will go, we already can see that they are advancing in there own way. I wonder what will happen when they reach stage two, espelly with what happened with that vac distorted soldier. the way he spoke gave me chills.

    I hope it is okay if i placed a suggestion here, it is the time of spooky month so this is what i got. I hope you cover emesis blue, it is a amazing sfm horror film. if you haven't seen it i hope you all cover it, if you can't cover it tho, no problem.

  2. Another reactor Mysterious catgamer, have theorized that the resort attack was done by the distorted cuz it said there were no bodies. Honestly I'm thinkin' the same too ever since he pointed this out.

  3. I have been waiting for so long, and I am very very happy its finally come after my 6 months of pure hell. Before I get started, jesus christ Wyld… not even 5 seconds in and you give me a sight of an avatar like that- ANYWAY!

    I'm glad you guys enjoyed the new voices, it's gonna be more difficult now since 15 is gone for 1 year now, and the new ones are already getting better – KIA, Sniper, Scout and Engineer's voices are all by Elevenlabs, a new tool I found after some people recommended it to me. I was mighty impressed by how good some of the voices are (Demoman sucks in that AI). Unfortunately, Elevenlabs is paid and has limited characters per month – which is why the Patreon I have is used for. Development funds. Cinder, Terge (the demoman on Fixer's part) and Heavy Guy got voiced near the end because a lot can happen in 6 months, and Cinder's part was always planned to be voiced by Kirby (she's also a part of a reaction channel called theduckgoesmoo, who have also reacted to TSU, and also how I met Kirby to do the voice!), who did a FANTASTIC job with Cinder! Same goes for YoungEphraim, who does a very marvelous Demoman and Heavy voices. I do hope I can keep going forward with Ephraim as Heavy, because his VA is paid but its very well worth it as the result.

    Dude, you have no idea how much I was smiling when you were making speculations about "What if VAC Pyros got infected?" in Part 1, because you basically predicted the Bruiser. I'm glad you actually remembered that!

    I also really loved doing the tribute to EP1, it was quite the "emotional" rollercoaster for me to look back after *three years* of doing this.

    One thing though, Heavy Guys does NOT resist Distortion. The Omen (the Oni guy that Emperor completely noticed it was the DbD one), managed to save him twice from imminent death. That's why he didn't die – Crush blocked the light in that split-second thanks to Omen. Along with Omen pushing HG away from the Bruiser's throw. Don't worry, this won't become plot armor for him, this was my way to send a message that not even HG is safe.

    Smoke would've been dead if she didn't place the hand in front of her head. She needs a conduit to use the switch ability, so if she didn't do that – yes, she would be actually dead. Yet another point I made that no one is safe. Yeah, I understood what Isaac said about the bad feeling of what Smoke said. I think that's just called a "Jobro moment", because it has probably always happened in the show.

    Easter eggs are a rare sight in TSU. I understand that they are a frequent thing to be used in many many TF2 animations, since TF2 itself is a funny game, but if they are not done correctly, or too frequently, TSU loses some of its "originality/seriousness" and people might just assume I'm doing it for the lols, when I'm not. There IS one easter egg I've hidden in this episode however! In the part where Foster stops the train, soon after he teleports, you'll notice something being there that wasn't there before. Barely anyone has seen this and I've made it quite obvious to see, so yeh. I do have plan for future "easter eggs" but its gonna be more of a parody if that makes sense. If all goes well, you should see something pop up related to EP6 Part 2 that quite a few people have actually requested for me to do, something based off of SoL – and you probably already know what it is.

    Yeah, I have big plans for Bonkbot, but it'll take some time to build up. Fixer and Jumpsuit are also a bit on the "chill zone" for now until things inevitably come back to haunt them soon. I'm surprised you noticed the whole superhero thing going on with the whole cast, its a small tiny little thing I'm throwing in there for character purposes.

    Thank you so much for your words Wyld, I'm very happy and grateful that at least some people understand the animator side of YT, and don't just assume its something you do "in a few days," which is something I was actually told by someone regarding SoL!

    As a side note, I've been watching your VRChat chill streams sometimes in parts when I'm working on things. Also to see how you're doing. It has definitely helped me ease up when I'm feeling stressed, annoyed or just bothered by something irl or related to Blackimus, so thank you for doing those videos man.

    Take care of yourselves, mates! Godspeed.


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