Wuthering Waves Changed My Life | Story Highlights

β€œWuthering Waves has a bad story.” Yeah… okay bud.

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🎬 Video Edited by MensRea!

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43 thoughts on “Wuthering Waves Changed My Life | Story Highlights”

  1. I feel like a lot of the early dialog felt directionless, and maybe it was a result of them redoing a lot of the story. Because much of act 4-6 was actually good, and parts were great. But early on, Yangyang and Chixia in particular just sounded like they were reading lines off a sheet, without any context of what was happening in the story. Vs when Chixia went all Karen on Aalto, which felt more like the vouce actress knew what was happening in the scene.

    I'm hopeful that going forward they'll have a better handle on the overall direction and vibe, because the 2nd half of this story was much improved.

  2. 22:42 See you complain, but I have seen plenty of people bitching about not understanding what's going on due to all the jargon. This is why Paimon exists to explain everything that's happening 5 times over. Basically developers can't win with this one. They could show everything visually, but that gets expensive and time consuming. Hey, at least WuWa respects your time with a skip button.

  3. also…there’s one thing I wanted to happen but idk if it’s possible or not but it will be really cool if some of the npcs we found though out the game turn into summonable characters with unique face and costume basically true character development

    for example that range unit captain of midnight ranger imagine if he recieve cool unique midnight ranger costume and always wear the helmet with assault rifle on the summoning banner the story he could have comes after this war and so on.
    you can easily give him uniqueness in his character too btw since he always wear helmet no one see his face only communicate though AI comms or emoji face on the helmet that sort of thing.
    I got this idea because of PGR where captain and subordinates of this squad(aka strike hawk 2) are all summonable characters.
    If Jiyan can represent as Chrome of Wuwa then 2 captains of midnight rangers can be represented as Kamui and Wanshi a big sword tank and a range support.

    TL;DR I just want a cool midnight ranger outfit with a cool helmet that’s itπŸ˜‚

  4. I'm not put off by the accent (makes no sense in the setting tho) but how inconsistent it is, same for the rain phantoms having reverb for one dude and not others, honestly the game is a 9/10 and most of that 1 is the EN dub Yangyang sounds like she isn't even being paid for a lot of the story I blame the director, Taoqi VA has a weird accent that people can't even agree if it's bad American or British but she does sound weird as hell.

    Not a fan of the cat thing voice as well, I think I'll switch to japanese for now.

  5. For the unaware and uninformed, Kuro games is partnered up with a London VA Company. Prior to this quest the Va's were told to Preform an "American Accent" Hence why the first chapters Voices were very unimpressive, Direction wasn't clear and being forced to do an american accent with bad direction just made it worse.
    Starting this chapter Kuro had Decided to Stop the American Accent thing in order for the Va's to be more comfortable preforming their roles, and they will also be working on improving voice direction going forward.
    I think this is a good change, hopefully they will re-record the Earlier chapter lines so the weird dissonance doesn't remain.

  6. So much of the voice acting don't fit xD Encore sounding like an adult while Verina has a childish tone is so… wrong. The character is adorable and awesome but English voice actors are all way too deep and that goes for most of the characters.

  7. Did anyone ells notice Yangyang instantly inserting herself into the girlfriend role from the get go? How awesome would it not be if she had a jealousy arc, maybe with Camila… πŸ™‚ That would be soo goood!

  8. Oh no we had to go through this Tacet field to get to our location and a bad guy was there who wiped us out…. not like we could win against it.
    A Tacet Field is like a hundred meters wide…. Just go around…. we all know it's a danger area so GO AROUND. Worst trained soldiers of all time right here.

  9. The planning part was so funny, no choice given and "what if we miss" Miss what? The giant shield? How shit of a shot are we that we cant hit the barn when standing next to it lol! He truly knows how shit his soldiers are haha!

  10. Oh Yangyang taking an age to "stay behind" xD enemies are nice enough to wait tho. There is not time we must hurry but please listen to my audio book before you go! πŸ˜€ Why do they always do this?


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