What will happen if Russia uses Nuclear Weapons in Ukraine

Against the background of Vladimir Putin’s constant statements, like the recent one and his henchmen, about defending one’s territory and preventive nuclear strikes against ill-wishers like Ukraine, European countries or America, the question becomes more and more relevant. What will Russia use? What weapons can Putin use in his dying attempts to save the situation? Let’s talk about that today, in this video.

Look, this is a strategic nuclear missile R-36M, according to NATO classification SS-18 Satan. This missile is almost 35 meters long, 3 meters in diameter, and its mass is unthinkable – 211 tons. Now imagine that this huge missile is able to fly 16000 kilometers. By the way, its mass is comparable with 91 Ford F150 or two Boeing 767 planes without passengers. This is frightening. It’s operational in one minute. One minute and a missile capable of destroying a city of millions of people is already in the sky! If this missile is launched from the territory of the Moscow region, it will easily reach any city in the USA. Should we say something about Europe? I don’t think so.

I have not found a single continent on Earth where this missile would not reach from the territory of Russia. Guaranteed destruction of all life, the destruction of all structures and buildings within a radius of 500 km2 in a few minutes. Do you want to understand how much is a lot? Examples in cities. That’s like 3 Washington DC, 2 Philadelphia, 3 Miami, 2 Boston, 4/5 Chicago and San Francisco, 1/3 Houston, half Dallas or New York. Impressive? And Russia has a lot of similar missiles, with a range of 10,000 to 16,000 km. 1,181 according to official figures. For understanding, there are only 348 cities in the world where the population exceeds 1,000,000 people.

And this is the Kh-555 tactical nuclear missile. It’s six times smaller. It’s six meters long and has a range of 2,000 kilometers. I could not find information on the area of impact. The warhead mass of this missile is 410 kg, against 8800 kg of R-36M. And this means that it is at least 20 times less destructive. Usually, such weapons are used for specific tasks, such as clearing the territory, striking large logistical hubs, etc. By the way, the city of Mariupol, after the Russian army came to liberate it, now looks like a city where a dozen tactical nuclear missiles were fired. It is very difficult to look at what Russia has turned this city into. Here are some examples of what the city would potentially look like after tactical nuclear weapons were used.

How are tactical nuclear weapons used? First there is a strike with a specific purpose. For example, to clear the territory from the enemy, with subsequent passage through the affected territory and occupation of some logistic node or strategic object. After such a blow, using special modifications of armored vehicles, the military side that caused the strike will be able to cross the terrain … True, it is hard to envy them, hardly any of them can survive until old age after the radiation exposure. Russian armored vehicles are not prepared for such tasks and everyone who dares to cross the affected territories will die of radiation sickness within 2-3 weeks.

Strategic nuclear weapons, on the other hand, have only one purpose: to inflict the greatest possible damage on the enemy. It is a weapon for indiscriminate strikes; as I said earlier, one missile is capable of destroying an entire city and making it uninhabitable for hundreds of years to come.

Now, let’s imagine two scenarios, one in which Russia uses tactical nuclear weapons against Ukraine, the other in which it uses strategic nuclear weapons against Ukraine, European countries and directly against America.

#ukraine #usa #military


32 thoughts on “What will happen if Russia uses Nuclear Weapons in Ukraine”

  1. People really are commenting and discussing about stuff while sitting comfortably in their homes
    Stop arguing about who you support or who he supports
    no one is listening to our opinions LOL

  2. That's funny like all your theory based on "US and Allies will already know about it" In reality North Korean send missile today over Japan and they didn't know at least before the lunch. And your Chinese will also send nukes, why would they do it, just, like think about it a bit, there is no risk for them they know it. If Russia sends those strikes Chinese in fact going to be the winner, the only big country that haven't been harmed, and obviously they will use that chance to take over world economy for good

  3. This video is how no countries will never use nukes if Putin ever strike any nukes he will be dead with in an hour as every country specially us is keeping watch on Russias through satellite. Putin is just doing drama.

  4. Imagine if the United state was the only country to have nuclear power , it would of been a world dictator in the name of democracy , the u.s. has been the dictator of the western world for a long time , if China and Russia and other nation with nuclear weapons did not had those weapons they would be under the boot of the u.s. because it's human nature. To be corrupted

  5. Putin Will have all nuclearsbombs ready the same second he Will use tactical nukes in Ukraine… icbms – silo bases missiles, missile submarines, poseidon submarines, ti bombers Will also be equipped..

    I gutantee you that all nato countries wont survive!.

    This video is a joke lol…

  6. you assume Putin control everything he does or doesnt do. Answer is NO. He receives orders from his handlers just like the US president and obeys them. Putin's death will make very little difference. Just remember US and Nato are the aggressors here; they want war with Russia no matter what. If they desire peace, peace is here today but NO.

  7. Whether the invasion/annexation of Ukraine is the fault of nato/west/USA or Russia, Putin is definitely a deranged person who has to be stopped by the Russians themselves (they are the first to suffer death from the nuclear bombs retaliation)- and those who can stop him (Kadyrov, the Russian generals, xi Jinping, Kim jong UN, the Orthodox church). This is for the benefit of the whole world.

  8. Really funny to see your silly thoughts. Look at what your lovely Zelenskiy said in Australia. A preventive strike? WTF? The Deamon is in the US and Ukraine and not in Russia, be sure.

    Russia will NEVER NEVER start the first Nuclear weapon because Russia was always more responsible about the effects after the launch than the western dumb people. But for sure will Russia give a nuclear response when some other country dares to attack Russia. Even if it means destroying the whole planet.

    So please stop distributing this bullshit because there are different people in the entire world. Some of them are really crazy and they want war. Some of them are easy to manipulate. Sharing such a content makes you part of the escalation mechanism and you will be responsible for the results at the end!!! Again, please stop talking bullshit and sharing escalating content without any critical thinking!

  9. No he won't use Satan there's many many other Thermo nuclear as well as more economic cost effective tactical options in his arsenal maybe he will use Satan to hit the east coast of the US? Just my opinion.

  10. Oh I also want to add he's already started deploying his Marine arsenal he's already deployed 14 of his thermonuclear missile carrying submarines and they're all aimed exactly where they're supposed to be, again on a global scale there's supposed to be methods to this madness but with Putin there is no methods to his madness it's just madness, I do want to caution as I comment in the section anyway we should try to limit the what ifs on social media cuz I do want to let everyone know Putin like every other dictator and world leader watches social media and follow social media they just go under covert accounts and use their departments and stuff to monitor social media and what's being said about them, Putin is most certainly going to do something it's probably first going to be to Ukraine, I don't understand why zelensky is an exercising not only his shelter in place orders to the fullest of his extent, but exercising mobility to his people to get out of that country I don't care what Ukraine is successfully achieving and liberation that's great if this is under certain circumstances that didn't regard nuclear danger I would totally tout that that's awesome they're working very hard they got lucky also because they're not used to the technology we provided in the US so innovative tactics Is awesome on their part, but I don't think any of them should want to get to the point where we're allowing them to play God because I do want to exercise Putin does not care in history and it shows before Putin became the leader of Russia what I like to call the dictator of Russia he participated in the polygon nuclear test missiles actually participated in this with the Soviet Union, he's going to Nuke everyone and not give a f*** because he also has two bunkers 3,000 ft wide and 300 ft underground that can fit 10,000 of his family members and it is close Ally friends and their families he does not give a s*** about going out under the status of a legacy dictator as we in the US you know some of us really do in the US need to stop buying Washington until they're not paying attention they're just worried about their reps and too busy taking billions of dollars of our tax money getting ready to finish their bunkers before they end their f*** ups especially in the US with our economy they don't care they're not going to fix anything they're done all they have to do because it's much more cost effective and beneficial in the long run to run. Because they know in the political and socioeconomic elite they'll be just f**** fine which is the saddest part of it all. I like reading the comments where people are getting ready that's good for you get ready just in case because if he does even use the slightest thermal or average nuclear missile or biomedical, terrorist missile the whole world is done within 5 days I myself have been studying all day today just completely learning as much as I can on how to prep my family cuz I don't trust us this looks like this is a serious situation where too many world leaders have the head stuck up their ass like Russia is some tiny little miniscule country when it is not it is a very strong country spiritually strong country in terms of combat and defense a very strong country that does deserve respect for the work that they put into their own country and again I know they're probably going to pull my comment down but I do want to mention that Russia is a strong country. And if you read but Putin has also said on why he hates the United States as well as the West it's not the people he believes that for a country to be a democratic country speaking in terms of the United States what frustrates him the most about our country is we won't liberate our government by taking it over Putin has said many times at the United States government it's just about as bad as anything he's done to be honest and he's a f**** communist leader well now he's a dictator but he was a communist leader before he did all this but also Ukraine has a lot of s*** that they need to acknowledge to this country is not Innocent either it's crazy folks .


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