Wranglerstar Struggle Stream


24 thoughts on “Wranglerstar Struggle Stream”

  1. I've seen a chiropractor for 3 years now, every other week. Before that I saw Pain Management for 3 years and got steroid injections in 3-4 dozen trigger points along my entire spine. Chiro has done more for me than pain mgmt ever did!! I'm a paramedic and a small farmer/homesteaders, so I beat my body up. I'm 50 and don't plan on slowing down yet.

  2. Hi Mr. Wranglerstar. Mitch and Diane are actually The Silent Generation (78 to 95 year olds). Boomers are 59 to 77. The Silent Generation is 80% dead and the Boomer Generation is 35% dead.

    Something to blame on The Greatest Generation (96 to 122 year olds):

    During the Second World War alone, it is estimated that at least 20,000 ships were sunk around the world, with many more lost during other conflicts throughout this period.

    The most obvious causes of pollution are the contents of the ships themselves. As much as 20 million tonnes of oil and similar fuels were sunk during the First and Second World War, which can affect the growth, reproduction and survival of marine life.

    Aside from fuel, the ships also contained millions of tonnes of ammunition, including chemical weapons. Even after the wars were over, significant amounts of ammunition was sunk intentionally as a quick method of disposal, a decision which still causes problems today.

    They have barely started the cleanup efforts from the World Wars. Should we be drinking the water and eating the fish? Storms develop off the coast and drop moisture which then freezes or runs off (or both) and flows downstream ultimately back out to sea. We all live in the same soup. There is also an estimated 43 million tons of iron (contained in the sunken ships just during WWII)

    Anyways, I thinking blaming the individual people contained in a Generation is probably not very accurate. Unfortunately, we do not get to vote Issue by Issue.

  3. For the hard working man with a hurricane lantern. Diesel fuel works just fine. Have a liquid pressure lantern? You can use gasoline. You feeling curious? You can dislill plastic to make fuel. Stay frosty, stay moving. Much love. God bless.

  4. I guess you haven't seen the Joe Rogan podcast take your time sit down and listen to the 2-hour and 30 minute podcast maybe then you'll understand You're just set in your old ways you had it made up your mind before you even listen to the song and you don't have to like the song listen to his message listen to how he feels and what those lyrics really mean You're just not understanding anything listen to the Joe Rogan podcast speaking about being a petulant child pot kettle much CODY?

  5. Here’s my view of the Oliver A. Review. Neither one of you are wrong but more people obviously relates to Oliver A. Because maybe they aren’t where you are at with knowledge of where we’re at at this present time. But that’s no reason to black pilling them because they are just starting their journey.

  6. I think the 2 most harmful lies or "sayings" us millennials were told was 1. "Only God can judge you" lie, everyone you come across in life will judge you. 2. You have to find a job you love. Partial lie, but most millennials take that as only work if you love it. Most successful old dudes I know put 35 years into a job they didn't like at all but got paid good n are now happy and retired.


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