WORST JRPGs EVER #6: Ephemeral Fantasia (PS2) – Erick Landon Live

Ephermal Fantasia is a JRPG published by Konami, exclusively to the PS2. And it’s THE WORST OF THEM ALL ON THE CONSOLE!
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30 thoughts on “WORST JRPGs EVER #6: Ephemeral Fantasia (PS2) – Erick Landon Live”

  1. Man, I remember buying this game when it was still relatively new, thinking it sounded interesting. I played about 3 hours of it, lost as hell most of that time, then gave up and moved on to something else. I remember it being a bit of a yawnfest, too, not much to get excited about, at least early on. I usually have a lot of patience when it comes to slow-moving or cryptic games, but this one just rubbed me the wrong way. To anyone who actually managed to best it and enjoyed it, you have my unwavering admiration.

  2. I always have a soft spot for this game… I never got on with it though after the few hours though. I really tried though as I was really interested in the concept, and the guitar mini game. Are there any playthroughs out there from people that do enjoy the game out there? Would be interesting to watch.

  3. some of those old games were so weird, orphen scion off sorcery is way worse tbh.
    guardians crusade looks horrible but I found the game very good, good environment despite terrible graphics.
    shadow madness also

  4. I liked the guitar timing part of the game. Was engaging and fun. As for the rest it was lacking while walking it needs to load to many damn times the battles are too stiff and kind of boring to play or watch, the seems both to small and clunky and at the same time to big and empty. The plot while interesting on paper in this practice just falls flat and the amount of times you are running around to past time while needing to be on certain places at precise times is frustrating


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