Worship Service – May 21, 2023

Grandview Church in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada. Message by Pastor Bob MacGregor, May 21, 2023. A New Way of Looking at Sin (Romans 6:15-23).

The gospel is God’s solution to the sin problem. To the ungodly, it is an invitation to be saved from the penalty of sin. To the saved, it is a message to be free from the dominion of sin. In either case, it is a message that is embraced by faith and with thanksgiving to God. In Romans 6:15-23, the Apostle Paul helps us to see sin in a new way. Having been freed from our slavery to sin, we have become slaves to Christ and His life-giving commands. It is in Paul’s view, unthinkable that we who have been freed from sin should yearn for it again. We simply don’t see it as we once did. We will look at his rationale.

Sermon Notes: https://files.constantcontact.com/c9963bc7001/e6e45d0a-c49e-4b3b-a203-0c7c62946a1e.pdf?rdr=true


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