World's Worst Coworkers | Reading Reddit Stories

One of our fave coworkers is here to talk about some of the worst coworkers!

0:00-1:02 Intro
1:03-9:21 I pretended to get fired
9:22-16:47 Forced to turn on meeting camera while pumping
16:48-23:56 I donโ€™t want my husband shadowing me at work
23:57-31:43 This guyโ€™s mom came to the interview
31:44-41:35 His achievement just means he has rich parents
41:36-48:20 My coworker asked me to pay for a ride to work
48:21-58:13 Coworker keeps taking my personal things
58:14-1:11:17 My boss stole my Super Bowl tickets
1:11:18-1:13:38 Fave Smosh work story




Courtney Miller //
Shayne Topp //
Sarah Whittle //

WHO YOU DONโ€™T SEE (usually)
Director: Bailey Petracek
Editor: Vida Robbins
Director of Programming, Smosh Pit: Emily Rose Jacobson
Associate Producer, Smosh Pit: Bailey Petracek
Assistant Director: Amanda Barnes
Art Director: Cassie Vance
Assistant Art Director: Erin Kuschner
Art Coordinator: Alex Aguilar
Prop Assistant: Adam Mustafa, Oliver Wehlander
Audio Mixer: Scott Neff
Audio Utility: Dina Ramli
Camera Operator: Eric Wann
Director of Photography: Brennan Iketani
Director of Design: Brittany Hobbs
DIT/AE: Matt Duran
CEO: Alรฉ Catenese
EVP of Production: Zoe Moacanin
EVP of Programming: Kiana Parker
Executive Coordinator: Rachel Collis
IT: Tim Baker
Operations PA: Katie Fink
Post Production Manager: Luke Baker
Production Manager: Amanda Barnes
Production Coordinator: Marcus Munguia
Production Assistant: Ovsana Tsaturian
Senior Manager, Channel & Strategy: Lizzy Jones
Marketing Director: Dani Howe
Social Creative Producer: Peter Ditzler, Tommy Bowe
Social Strategist: Erica Noboa, Mallory Myers
Talent Coordinator: Selina Garcia

Watch Thereโ€™s A Werewolf Among Usโ€ฆ:
Watch Grimace: Where Is He Now?:

Smosh Games:
El Smosh (Spanish Dub):



49 thoughts on “World's Worst Coworkers | Reading Reddit Stories”

  1. I think what you guys were describing in the second story is โ€œBall Bustingโ€. Many older people will know the term, my grandpa used to pride himself in being a ball buster to his employees ๐Ÿ™„ itโ€™s part power part literally wanting to make people sweat

  2. I can relate to Sarah's story about working at 16 & being yelled at. My first job at the same age was as a hostess/waitress and a customer ordered hot tea. I had never had hot tea at a restaurant and had not been shown the hot tea yet. I had however been taught how to make the iced tea which comes out hot and you put it over ice. So I just didn't put it over ice lol and gave them hot pre-brewed tea. I think it was my first day not shadowing a trainer and The lady screamed at me until I went into the walk-in and cried my eyes out. Turns out you're supposed to give them a little tea kettle with hot water and a tea bag. Oops. I think of that moment decades later anytime I've managed a teen who does something that seems so stupid that I want to scream and instead I calmly help them learn. Because we were all young and new to working once. I'm also very patient with wait staff unless they are outright rude to me.

    I did once have a server (at the restaurant I used to work at but diff location) argue with me over free refills as it was printed in their menu that hot Chocolate refills were free and that was the reason I went there. I had double-checked the menu before ordering in case it had changed and it had not, but she charged me full price for each refill. I was nice about asking her to correct it but she argued with me that the refills had never been free and when I calmly told her I had checked the menu, she checked it confirmed and instead of apologizing she said it must be an old menu and stuck to her story. A manager overheard and came over and told her the menu was correct and apologized. My friends were mad at ME for not just paying for refills but I don't think you should be afraid to calmly and politely ask for something to be corrected when there is a legitimate error and as a waitress I never minded making corrections if they were polite. I get it's hard to admit when you're wrong and the customer definitely isn't always right but when they are in fact right, don't dig your heels in and argue with them.

  3. As for the guy who was talking about the 150 countries. Honestly yes, that guy is the asshole. Maybe have a more realistic wad of gaging how many countries youโ€™ve been to, but he is definitely a rich kid if he mentioned Spring break. Itโ€™s cringy. It just reeks of privilege. I donโ€™t agree that op is the asshole because heโ€™s bitter. Poverty and living in an underprivileged household will drastically affect your outlook, your health, your mind, and your spirit, and to me is shows a lot of audacity to say that OP should just change his outlook. We also donโ€™t know anything about OP except that he grew up in poverty, and that he has been with his job for more than a year. I donโ€™t think he is the asshole, I wouldnโ€™t want some Nepo baby telling me how they get to leave the country all the time. And itโ€™s crazy to assume that these people arenโ€™t privileged because a lot of people in the corporate world are very privileged or nepo babies.

  4. I was required to be on a 4am Zoom because our manager was out of the country. Fine. Manager then demanded everyone turn on their cameras. 90% of the staff was still in pajamas because 4am. Normal pajamas not anything inappropriate. We then got berated because none of us were in full hair, makeup and work outfit. I tried explaining that all of us had the plan of going back to sleep after the meeting as we werenโ€™t scheduled to be at work until 10am. She said it was unacceptable to show up to a work meeting unkempt. I told her it was unacceptable for her to demand a work meeting 6 hours before our scheduled start time because she was on vacation and didnโ€™t want to be stuck in a meeting in the middle of her day. We were doing this as a favor to her and she is being super ungrateful.
    I left about 2 days after she came back from vacation.

  5. Story 3 is one of my biggest fears in relationshipsโ€ฆIโ€™ve dated in my field and it has yet to end even โ€œokโ€ I hope if I ever end up in a long term relationship, we both have our separate jobs/lives and we arnt soooo dependent on eachotherโ€ฆ.

  6. Omg I just found out I have the same birthday as Shayne ๐Ÿ˜‚ no wonder I relate to his personality lol

    While watching this i got distracted and was scrolling fb & saw a post that asked who the most famous person is who shares your birthday and I googled it out of curiosity and on the list was Shayne Topp lol I had no idea. The funniest part is its also my husband's birthday. Most famous on the list was prob Amy Winehouse tho.

  7. Are we just not gonna talk about the fact that the guy in story 3 literally married a 19-year old when he was 24? How old was she when they started dating? He's probably been controlling her like this for 20 years and she's just now waking up to the fact that this is not normal.

  8. 27:44 There are many areas in my life wherein I have no fekkin clue how to proceed. Often, I will ask my mom for advice because she has many world skills. Never would I ask her to intervene on my behalf as an adult; that would be madness.

  9. The story about the guy making the rude comment to his coworker about visiting 150 countries. If he is making 6 figures maybe he can do some looking into saving some money so he can start traveling and visiting other countries. I understand being jealous and maybe his parents are rich but maybe they aren't and now his coworker will probably not want to talk to the op ever again.

  10. Thatโ€™s why when you carpool to work. You have a conversation about what the costs should be beforehand. Otherwise these issues will happen. Also donโ€™t punish her for the boyfriend being an asshole.

  11. For story 7

    I used to work with this lady that always brought food for the department, sometimes sweets, sometimes snacks, sometimes whole cakes, she organized the parties and always gave out gifts and such. Very giving lady.

    One day there were a handful of black food tuppers on the break table, with a note that had her name on it. Everyone helped themselves and ate the food for lunch.

    Later that day, we saw her searching around for something and it was not until later that we all asked her what she was looking for.

    Turns out that it was her meal prep for the week that she had ordered from someone from another department ๐Ÿ˜… we all were moooortified about it and aplogized profusely, we just thought that it was her buying lunch for the whole department, which had happened in the past.

  12. The weird take is "Everyone should work in food industry to build character from karens" but if Karens are also working in this mandated role… Do they not build character?

  13. in fairness the story with the mom being over bearing and taking over, as someone whoโ€™s autistic and finds stuff like job prospects, sending emails and applying difficult, and might need help from my parents for things like that, I think there could have been a reason the mom did that, but she absolutely sounds like sheโ€™s taking it way way too far, so absolutely think the guy handled it well, but thereโ€™s a lot of unknown context and there are times where a grown adult is entirely capable of what the job requires but struggles with the process of getting there, just thought I would share my perspective

  14. As someone who has worked in customer service for many years, that first story is so funny. Definitely not the asshole! Sometimes you really gotta get on the customer's level and teach them a lesson. In my opinion, when it comes to customer service AITA stories; the employee is almost never the asshole, the customer is probably the asshole but I'll hear them out, the employer is almost always the asshole because they represent corporate and corporate is always going to be awful.


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