The way this country is going I won’t be surprised when we all are on the streets…



  1. This is what happens when they steal elections and silence a president. If you can't see that our entire government are traitors and evil doers. And want to bring our country down into a one world s*******. You should be at home with your family preparing for the inevitable. And praying for God's protection..

  2. It just goes to show you that MAN does not have the answer and it shows how we all fail One another even ourselves at times . The only 100 % sure way to fix our nation at ALL levels is to turn to GOD and repent but that’s not goo to happen so you will continue to see the decline and eventually the fall of the United States unfortunately.

  3. I was born and raised in LA near the infamous Hollywood walk of shame. lived there for 31 years. There's nothing really worth seeing in LA, you mostly sit in traffic so not worth it.

    The city has always had its problems but nothing like in the last 20 years. I left CA all together years ago. They've tried to institute state sponsored programs to help the homeless, tiny house communities for them and this hasn't changed or helped the situation. It's made it worse. That city is rotting and I don't think there is any hope for it.

  4. It’s getting bad everywhere. Even little cities – the issue is so complicated: drug addiction, mental health, unaffordable housing, some people who want zero accountability and feel entitled. Good policy is hard to create. How to deal with the problems and not encourage people to move to your town or state. Legalizing weed definitely increased the movement of drug users into Colorado and the homeless. People moved from all over – without thinking how expensive it is to live here, whether they had access to the medical care insurance they need ( type I diabetics on Medicaid for example have to have their insulin WT…. Why would you move without a job or insurance? Where is the common sense? )t” People just move without knowing if there are jobs or housing to small cities- where there are even fewer resources . And then there are the rich who want out of the cess pools they created and price people out of their communities… rents rising, fuel rising, food rising. We are in a pickle and we have been so blessed as a country- many people haven’t built a skill set or have the emotional resilience to withstand the stresses .

  5. Yep; Max Eagan was in L.A.resentleny & said how bad it's gotten frm two yrs ago! Smelled of Urine & cannabis amongst other things.Mention parts of San
    Diego the Same.

  6. Los Angeles was bad when I was a kid back in the 80s and 90s, lots of gangs, shootings, drugs, homeless, muggings, etc, etc. Present day it’s 10 times worse. So glad I moved in my 20s, I can’t even imagine living in LA currently and feel sorry for the hard working individuals just trying to provide for their family.

  7. They all vote red for years as all California people , the billions to other countries and not Americans . They keep democrats in office for years . Wake up ! Dems do not care !

  8. Exactly, well said and heartbreaking, thank you for what you do! God bless you and please be safe, get concerned & pray for you. Be careful of some people who do not mean well.

  9. What are you doing to serve this situation. It’s all fine to prep, why not do something instead of preaching fear? Your preparation might buy you a few weeks but the preppers will be the next targets as they have resources. I hope this doesn’t happen. We need to work towards a better tomorrow not a fearful tomorrow in hiding.

  10. Sis you guys be safe. I got you prayers. Thank you for your posts but things are really heatungbup around the world and I say this with co CERN and dreams i have had… …..stay out of big cities if at all possible. I had a dream of a nuke going off in okeechobee fl and I felt the shockwave all the way into south Orlando . I had a dream of a 2000 foot tsunami hitting the east coast of the usa and I was standing on nsb.fl. guys I have had more than that in dreams and I'm very concerned for this world. There were 2 other nukes I saw but I did not see them hit. One was heading north and the other west northwest of the okeechobee fl. It was real as real and a warning of what comes. (NYC and dallas) ???

  11. Slab City California
    Yet theres videos all over you tube showing the part of Slabs that make people want to go there…yits the last lawless place in america –
    And you can be homeless there in your vehicle , outside yur vehicle, in a boat , on a goat
    Guuuuurl you should at least check it out while in California
    But dont stay more than one night if at all😂😅

  12. LA is a dirty hole full of drug addicts perverts and weirdos of every kind. I lived in orange county in the late 80s and 90s. Southern Orange county was a nice place but LA even then was a crap hole. It is garbage and it produces garbage. Dirty perverts have to live somewhere.

  13. I am nearly 70 and grew up in Los Angeles. It was nice until the 1970s. Now it is filled with gang graffiti, litter, homeless tent encampments, and yes necessary brown landscape (Lakes Powell and Mead and big drought). I was last in L.A. in May. Could not believe what I was seeing. Sad. We now live in another state.

  14. They are going to take all the money and kill as many people as possible. Y'all get to a safe place and prepare for the collapse. It is happening in every major city and spreading to the outskirts. Get the ones you really love and get to a safe place quickly. All I do is grow food, fish and prepare to live without their system of thing's. It's going to get very bad very soon. Please get off the road before something bad happens. Y'all can come here and be safe and survive what is here. It's better to depend on your own survival than to depend on the government or your bank. It's really happening so please get to a safe place soon.

  15. When you have a government that hands out free crack pipes and clean injection sites this is the end result that way they don't have to worry about controlling you the drugs does it for them.

  16. The biggest problem is the middle class are being squeezed out of the housing market in big cities such as LA. They're warning people about moving to big cities such as LA and SF unless they have a job to go to where you are making at least 50k/year or they're not going to be able to find an affordable place to live. At least 80% of the homeless in California are coming from out of state, looking for free handouts!

  17. Filthy drug and alcohol abusing "homeless" people CHOOSE TO LIVE LIKE THAT!!
    If through hard luck you lost it all, would you , A : look for help or a program to get back on your feet or B : turn to drugs, booze, filth eat out of trash cans and stay like that??
    I work nites making deliveries in bad neighborhoods in various cities over 30 years. I see it every night. They live like that because they don't have to be responsible for anything, and surround themselves with like minded… losers.
    Hey, truth hurts.
    What to do with these troublemakers?
    Hmmm, send them to another planet comes to mind…
    They don't want your help to get back on their feet. They want to do what they do, drugs, drink and stink.

  18. Are You going to show us some of the homeless? People Need to see it with their own (your eyes). I've been homeless and it Really Sucks. I think awareness is a start. Thanks for the videos. Criminalize sleeping in Your Own Car? Vegas is like that. Doesn't make sense.

  19. I Live in L.A. You of course went to Downtown ,and South Central which is Right Next to that You Need to Go to The Beach Area's Manhattan Beach ,Hermosa Beach , Palos Verdes Peninsula ,Not Santa Monica Or Venice

  20. Multi-billionaires and an oligarchical class who for some reason aren't required to pay much if any tax while most other folk are effectively taxed endlessly via sky high rents and mortgages, debt repayments, ridiculously high medical bills, inflation and with criminalization when they get desperate and get caught trying to make ends meet. And, for the algorithm that just put a religious advertisement in the middle of this Youtube video, God ain't paying none of our bills! Neither God nor the US government seems to be coming to the aid of all those millions of folk living desperately impoverished lives while surrounded by the obscene wealth and profligacy of just a small number of their fellow super-wealthy compatriots. God won't be blessing that state of affairs!


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