World War 3 hardship could bring us together? #WorldWarIII #WorldWar3

In March, as President Biden was facing pressure to intensify U.S. involvement in Ukraine, he responded by invoking the specter of World War III four times in one day.

“Direct conflict between NATO and Russia is World War III,” he said, “something we must strive to prevent.” He underscored the point hours later: “The idea that we’re going to send in offensive equipment and have planes and tanks and trains going in with American pilots and American crews — just understand, and don’t kid yourself, no matter what you all say, that’s called World War III, OK?”


6 thoughts on “World War 3 hardship could bring us together? #WorldWarIII #WorldWar3”

  1. People you should talk to:

    #1 Brian Berletic of New Atlas. Former Marine, lives in Thailand, is a geopolitical analyst.

    2. Cyrus Jansen, American who lives in China

    3. Alexander Raperfy also an American (or Canadian)

    4. Daniel Dumbrill: Canadian living in China

    5. Katherine of Katherine Travels East: American living in China

    6: Caleb Maupen: Head of Center for Political Innovation, a self described American Communist.

    7. Haz Infrared: Communist political commentator, Fellow Maga Communist Pioneer.

    8. Jackson Hinkle: News and politics pundit. Of Communist leanings, fellow Maga Communist pioneer.

    Lastly, probably most importantly: Carl Zha: Sword and Silk podcast host, Chinese political analyst, Historical faunt of knowledge.


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