World War 2 Quiz – Part 2 | Can You Answer These Second World War Questions?

How many questions can you answer about World War 2? Test your knowledge with this quiz. We already tested your knowledge with our World War 2 quiz Part 1, can you also pass this World War 2 quiz Part 2? Let us know your score in the comments please!

World War 2 Quiz Part 1:

P.S.: we do our best to make good quizzes, do you see something wrong, a mispronunciation or a misspelling? We are sorry for that, but these are for fun. Don’t get upset about it please.

#quiz #trivia #worldwar2


17 thoughts on “World War 2 Quiz – Part 2 | Can You Answer These Second World War Questions?”

  1. Great Britain declared war on Germany in 1939 — not 1937. And the General — not Admiral — who said, “I shall return” is Douglas MacArthur.

    You need to do a better job with your history. I stopped watching.

  2. 97's question is wrong Clo-Clo (Pierre Clostermann) never fougth in the "Battle of Britain"; he left RAF's OTU in 1942 for the RAF's Free Frenchmen Fighter Group "Alsace", more over, there are quite a few other questions with wrong and/or multiple right answers… Ex. MacArthur being a General and not a Navy Admiral, or England declaring war in 1939, not 37, just to name these. But thanks anyway, Best regards

  3. Interesting quiz, with a few flaws: [7] Chamberlain (not Churchill) was PM when [10] England declared war on Germany on 3 September 1939 (not 1937), immediately after Germany invaded Poland

  4. Was Russia and Germany the only ones that fought in Europe? Just asking. Most the the questions were about them. By the way you should go back an research you questions before you put them up there.


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