Witcher: Blood Origin Review Episode 2 – INSANE Plot Holes!

The Witcher: Blood Origin episode 2 review where the prequel to The Witcher Netflix series can’t remember it’s own plot. Contradictions from the previous episode, characters that are seemingly good while actually doing the opposite. All align to suggest that Henry Cavill as Geralt in the Witcher for the final season 3 has made the right decision. So with that, Is The Witcher: Blood origin worth watching as a Witcher Prequel?

The Witcher: Blood Origin Review = https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLI9PNU6AzjT7-wqt9j8on0e_lPShZruxh

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38 thoughts on “Witcher: Blood Origin Review Episode 2 – INSANE Plot Holes!”

  1. The Witcher: Blood Origin Episode 2 comes back and comes with whole new issues rather than the old ones. Less repeating of the same information time and time again, but now we have so many bandages wrapping over plot holes that were all dubbed over in post the entire story becomes a farce. At one point they even contradict actual footage from the first episode, how does this even get past the editors? Combine that with the usual and modern entertainment tropes of characters and we end up with a Witcher show with 6 minutes of credits where the main plot twist is that that many people still wanted their name put on it. But what did you think of what you saw? Let me know your thoughts down below and as always, thanks for watching 🙂

  2. Once again a show written for dummies who cannot pay attention for more than 30 seconds to watch on a phone. It's a telenovela, nothing more. Actually maybe less, some of those have better plots and at least give you the opportunity to practice your Spanish.

  3. Cloaks in movies and shows have always been kind of stupid. Walking around trying to hide your face will only make you look more suspicious. You're sitting among a sea of people with their faces on full display.

  4. I just had to see it since it seems so bad…

    The bath scene is even worse than you said. It isn't even a problem that they're discussing it in a public bath house, the dude is clearly politically incompetent while complaining that no-one would take him seriously for being low-born.

    What about not taking him serious because he is a crappy leader?

  5. One info … Avallac'h, "Dave", is not supposed to be there. There are two types of elves in the lore, Aen Seidhe and Aen Elle. The story is they were once on the same world they have to leave before Conjunction of the Spheres because that world was on the brink of destruction. Aen Seidhe went to the world Blood Origins and Witcher is supposed to be in while Aen Elle went to another and developed a different culture. Avallac'h is born as Aen Elle, in the city of Tir na Lia on Aen Elle homeworld … so one more way this show f***ed up. Also Aen Elle have an average lifespan of 650 years by some established lore so him being alive and a wizard 1200 before Geralt … in comparison average expectancy of a UK citizen is around 81 years. To reach the same level a UK citizen would have to live 162 years and still be sharp and mobile.

  6. It will NEVER stop being absolutely hilarious to me how Folleywood keeps oh so very desperately trying to portray women who look like they couldn't fight off an enthusiastic newborn puppy as hyper-competent bruisers and martial prodigy badasses against people who could tip them over just by blowing on them. Even fantasy as a genre can only carry suspension of disbelief so far; no amount of fantastical bullshit can make that look plausible in the slightest, at least with IRL actresses.

    Seriously, why don't they just get female bodybuilders for these roles??? It would at least LOOK like it'd make sense.

  7. Both Avallac'h and Eredin in the witcher 3 brought a mixture of cunning, determination, confidence, decisiveness and will, regardless of their respective goals, whenever they were present.
    It seems they have stripped them completely of these qualities in this show by making them skinny and "femininizing" them in a negative way while also rendering them "weak" and making them seem harmless to the eye.
    Meh, mere accidental I think.

  8. "Corpse Oil" a callback to the games and books because they totally gotta use references whenever possible in this show which has soooo totally been an accurate interpretation of the source material…like totally literally

  9. OMG in that writing on the wall that the dwarf does…is that the old "S" symbol kids used to draw all the time in school?
    U know I start with 2 rows of 3 vertical lines and then I connect them to form an S.
    Some company used it for their logo too. Stussy or some such.
    Lol how fucken silly

  10. Just because something is as hard as something else doesn't mean you have the strength to actually break it. I don't care what you swing at hardened steel. Try to chop through an engine block, or even just a car door.

  11. There really is nothing in this show to distract you from everything. Sometimes the acting is good enough, the plot is interesting enough, or the characters are good enough that you can forgive the music, the editing, sometimes the storytelling, or any other detail. This show is none of it.

  12. I really hope that Mr. Sapkowski good paid enough royalties for this to buy his own distillery.

    Because even I would need one after this thing…

    Happy New Year, everyone!

  13. Another destruction of a beloved IP in the name of diversity and inclusivity.
    I didn't watch much of it, I didn't need to. It's the same old story of identity politics that we saw with rings of power. Make the majority of the main characters female, and make the female protagonists so much better than any male counterpart in every way. Throw in illogical diversity, with characters of all different ethnicities living in remote, rural settings with absolutely no explanation as to why that would be.
    I absolutely loved the original Witcher books. The TV series wandered a bit, but Henry Cavill held it together somewhat.
    It seems the writers of this debacle are determined to destroy everything good and entertaining in the pursuit of some idealogical agenda. Terrible actors, except for Michelle Yeoh, who was wasted on this garbage in my opinion, as her character had no direction and turned out to be ultimately pointless, are not chosen for their acting ability, but because they fit the racial/gender profile the creators were looking for. Dialogue and story progression, that are confusing at best and seem to be hastily thrown together, where even the writers seem to forget the order of previous events, having to insert dialogue to make it seem like a character is saying it, when they obviously are not. A storyline that is so far from the source material as to be unrecognizable.
    This just seems like the indulgence of people who want to push their political ideology on to as many people as possible. I hope they keep doing what they're doing, when they've bankrupted enough producers then maybe we can get back to good quality, entertaining stories without the creators using them as a platform to push their own political agenda and ideology. I just hope they don't destroy everything good before that happens.
    I watch TV to be entertained, as producers of "entertainment" it is their job to entertain us, not to lecture us on race/gender/ableist ideology.
    Conclusion: Just more generic, politically motivated garbage using a name to which it has no resemblance, does not deserve and should never have been associated with.

  14. I enjoy these videos Much more than I would the actual series. I have no real patience for bad writing. Loved Witcher series 1, annoyed by Witcher series 2 ( How to train a 90lb girl who is the greatest sorcerer in the world to get herself killed as a mediocre swordsman in 6 boring episodes.)

    Henry. We miss you already. Liam. Choose wisely next time, you could have done much better.


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