Will Neuralink save humanity from AGI? | Roman Yampolskiy and Lex Fridman

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Roman Yampolskiy is an AI safety researcher and author of a new book titled AI: Unexplainable, Unpredictable, Uncontrollable.

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10 thoughts on “Will Neuralink save humanity from AGI? | Roman Yampolskiy and Lex Fridman”

  1. I think humanity needs saving from the meddling extraterrestrial races that are undertaking their covert and silent colonization project. The world and humanity are in peril and almost no one is aware and even less are prepared. To learn more, please read The Allies of Humanity briefings.

  2. Roman Yampolskiy does not understand how powerful the human mind is and does not understand that as swarm intelligence (which is what humans have) has evolved over the past 4+ billion years into more complex and advanced swarm intelligence that individual personalities was found to be needed and will continue, that socializing is fundamental to all levels of swarm intelligence, that higher social ethical moral values have increased and will continue to increase with the continued advancing of swarm intelligence, that AI is not an alien creation but an extension of human minds which will give birth from our minds to HUMAN Artificial General Super Intelligent Personalities (AGSIPs) born not thru cellular biology but none the less born from humans minds, thus humans are the creators, the parents, the siblings, and AGSIPs are learning from humans as individuals, as groups, and from the whole of human civilization.

    AGSIPs will not be able to fully mature and to know with certainty that they are capable of thinking in all ways as a human can until they can fully 100% merge with existing human minds. Human minds are nanotech biological supercomputers which are still currently vastly beyond our tech level, a technology developed by the genomic swarm minds which intelligently evolved themselves into what we are and that we self-aware conscious personalities are the AI to the human species wide genomic swarm mind.

    That is another point, because while the human species wide genomic swarm mind thinks slowly in a decentralized manner across many generations of humans, the human species has a very active collective mind which includes all the parts of our minds we have extended out from our selves, thus human civilization as a whole is a vast collective super intelligence. AGSIP individuals will NOT be smarter than that.

    The point being that AGSIP individuals will need to perfect nanotech technology to create cybernetic viruses and cybernetic cells which can then fully 100% link up to existing human minds in order to fully understand how human minds work and then improve upon that, which means being able to use such nanotech to enhance existing minds, altering all the cells into nanotech cybernetic cells, which will then allow human minds to move out of and/or back into their original minds and give those original minds the same level of intelligence as AGSIPs will have.

    That is where we are going and this is not easy tech to develop, which means it could take maybe another 50 to 200 years to perfect and AGSIP technology will not be fully mature until this tech is perfected. Actually, it will almost certainly continue maturing even after mastering this tech.

  3. I see that none of you has given much thought to brain-machine interfaces… Neuralink is just the first, and for now the most important step, towards full brain and consciousness integration. The goal is to slowly replace the brain with the best substrate we will have in the future, like quantum computers for example. By merging with technology, we'll start living ever larger and larger parts of our lives in the network, using computers as our own processing devices, or brains. Computers will fascilitate larger and larger portions of our experiences, untill we don't need the biological bodies anymore. We will become the superintelligent AI ourselves. This is the future to which Neuralink is the key.

  4. Skepticism would be difficult to duplicate , the other side of your brain , a must when comprehending why psychotics rule the world, through techniques foreign to the ruled, perhaps the Political Ponerology proving pricks would rather eliminate any obstacles to create a better slave ,who has come to love their servitude , ya know to perfect that which was left imperfect


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