Warhammer 40k 10th Edition Live Battle Report: Leviathan Box Set

Warhammer 40k 10th Edition Live Battle Report: Leviathan Box Set The very first Vanguard Tactics 10th Edition Live Battle Report …


24 thoughts on “Warhammer 40k 10th Edition Live Battle Report: Leviathan Box Set”

  1. Oh dear, first time here, and they're already not pronouncing Synapse correctly lol.

    Lets see how this pans out. I will be critical.

    The Tyranid paint scheme is a little odd having the brighter colour for some of the carapace, not a fan of it this way round, much prefer the brighter colours to be the chitin, but that is just personal preference. Seeing Space Marines with flat matt colours is also odd, but also just personal preference. However both paint jobs are really crisp and very well painted.

    Tyranid Turn 1, the Genestealers were mostly reversing towards the Space Marines. Made me chuckle XD as did the Barbedgaunts also reversing.

    You info card popping up about Heavy is incorrect. You state that if the bearer remains stationary you get the +1 to hit. The unit is required to remain stationary not just the bearer.

    The Rhino should have taken a Battle-shock test at -1 from the Screamer Killer yelling at it. (This was picked up later in the video)

    Captain Vanguard Deep Striking you measured diagonally not horizontally though I expect it wouldn't have made much of a difference as you know the charge distance is 9" and the terribly designed Prime is on the ground floor.

    Strenguard cannot go in Rhinos, they are tactical and Rhinos cannot have tactical models embarked in them. Though this was revealed when the marine index was dropped, which was the day after this battle report. So we can let this one slide. (but you can have 4 servitors with 2 multi meltas embarked in a Rhino and use its Firing Deck with both Multi meltas ^^)

    Also the big issue with characters granting their keywords to bodyguards is that with Tyranids, they will grant their bodyguard Synapse… so Tyrant Guard become Synapse units, which then makes neurogaunts almost pointless…

  2. Loved the game, loved the new graphics, love you guys – my personal preference is for the live, ad-hoc ad style as opposed to cutting away but super minor thing and can see how pre-recorded is easier!

  3. If this rolling is going to happen with all the Steve's from Wargaming Channels I think everyone is gonna be in trouble.
    Love the Bat-Rep With MWG Matt btw.


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