Wild Karen DEMANDS I Raise Her Baby! – Reddit Podcast Stories

In this Reddit story, we hear about a woman who had a baby and is demanding her mother raise it for her. The woman is unwilling to take responsibility for her baby and expects her mother to do it for her.

The video begins by introducing the daughter and her mother, and the situation they find themselves in. The daughter had a baby but is not willing to raise it herself. She wants her mother to take care of the baby so that she can continue with her own life.

The daughter is very demanding and insists that her mother raise the baby. She has made it clear that she will not take any responsibility for them, leaving her mother to do all the work.

As the video progresses, we learn more about the daughterā€™s reasons for not wanting to raise the baby. We hear about her struggles with mental health issues and how they have impacted her ability to care for the child. We also learn about the motherā€™s own struggles with guilt and the difficult decision she must make.

In the end, the mother must make a difficult decision. She must decide whether to continue to care for the baby or to let her daughter face the consequences of her actions. The video ends with a discussion on the importance of taking responsibility for oneā€™s actions and the impact that it can have on the lives of those around us.

Overall, this video provides a powerful and thought-provoking exploration of the challenges faced by parents when their children refuse to take responsibility for their own lives. It is a must-watch for anyone interested in parenting, mental health, and the complexities of family relationships.

Welcome to another episode of r/EntitledParents stories!

Here on the mr redder podcast YouTube channel we read stories about entitled people, entitled parents, and am i the jerk stories with Karen.

Iā€™m a voice actor that narrates reddit stories. I record all of the VO and edit all videos myself. On this channel I play the roles of mr redder and Karen as we read reddit stories and discuss them. Story genres include entitled parents, revenge, malicious compliance, and AITA.

Our videos include music under a Creative Commons license (CC BY-SA 3.0) and background footage from pixabay, under the pixabay license. Every Saturday we release a longer compilation video which includes some of our best stories from last year. Subscribe for daily uploads!

šŸ˜Ž One of my favorite Karen Stories!
r/EntitledPeople ā€“ Smug Karen Demands I Pay Her Car Off! It Gets WORSE.

mr redder podcast on Spotify ā€“ https://open.spotify.com/show/5ZVzMm0Pr3bwlM26VuVv8J

Karen and I can make a video for your special occasion! šŸ‘‰ https://entitledparents.com/custom-message

Subscribe for the best stories from reddit every single day.

Background Footage: Pexels, under the Pexels license.

If you want your story removed from a video, please message me on Reddit at u/mr_reddit_YT and I will remove it.

Stories in this episode of r/entitledparents:
0:00 Intro
00:33 Wild Karen DEMANDS I Raise Her Baby!
06:36 I became chairman of the board for revenge!
13:47 AITA for pulling my horse from public lessons?

#karenstories #redditpodcast #redditpodcaststories


35 thoughts on “Wild Karen DEMANDS I Raise Her Baby! – Reddit Podcast Stories”

  1. Here's a jerk for expecting it for free $20 an hour as a little exorbitant but free is ridiculous your mother's time and the loving care she would give your child versus just a daycare is worth something you should have expected some form of daycare after having a child and should have planned for this in your budget in the month's coming up to giving birth

  2. No you're not jerk you don't owe his ex-wife anything that's his responsibility she needs to hit him up for that bill like you said you're struggling to feed your own kids right now and keep a roof over their heads

  3. You could have been a little more considerate but I wouldn't call it being a jerk and I think there's a huge difference between giving it away a chair and offering something else to sit at the table with you

  4. They're the ones that are being selfish you have generously watch their kids for free forever you asked for two weeks to yourself over something unexpected that you didn't plan to happen and they want you to pay them are they out of their ever-loving Minds!!

  5. Now you're not the jerk your husband is definitely the jerk I agree with the comment that you're his family and I are soldiers in your stepdaughter is so lucky to have such a wonderful stepmother I'm so glad you support and understand her

  6. Not the jerk you splitting fifty-fifty even though your income is not 50-50 so why should you do more than 50% of the housework and laundry when just because your schedule is different and you have more days off you work the same amount of hours he's the one being entitled and unfair

  7. What your sisters doing S3 sidered neglect leaving 32 seven-year-olds home alone without babysitters and your mom and you going over to pick up the slack that's completely irresponsible and the Detention of the house sounds like csb would not be happy she should be glad that you guys are there keeping the inevitable from happening

  8. Sounds like the girl in the Jim needs to have a reality check having pictures taken you you while you're in a public place is nothing illegal and nothing you can do about it and newsflash the whole world doesn't revolve around her

  9. why is it always when its a man being kind to his girlfriend people say he is the jerk but when its the other way around its people saying she should dump him like what the heck reddit

  10. I think I listen to these nearly 24/7 between audiobooksā€¦ itā€™s actually a great way to see how compatible you are with your SO! Hehe whoā€™s side you on?! šŸ˜‚ā¤

  11. To the OP who has a family income of $91K and expects her mother to work for free raising her kid: You make that much and still have $45K in debt, including credit cards and car notes? And THAT's why you need free labor? You ARE the jerk! Nobody owes you anything, your mother didn't choose to have a kid, YOU did! Sell the car and pay cash for a clunker. Cut up the credit cards and live within your means. There are millions of people making less than half what you make raising multiple kids. Your mom deserves her retirement to enjoy life, not be your unpaid slave.

  12. i laughed at the story about leaving while the woman is still asleep… like it this woman incapable of setting an alarm for herself, why do you have to be the one to wake her up instead of her waking herself up

  13. With the allergies MIL
    Iā€™m actually mad about it bc Iā€™m actually allergic to red dye, eggs, raw tomatoes, and gluten (oh I forgot Benadryl) itā€™s so hard finding stuff to eat sense my allergies have gotten so bad
    I ate raw tomatoes once bc I didnā€™t know it was there and I had a break out and had to go to the hospital to get an allergy shot to stop hives that was starting to show
    If I eat any of those I will most definitely die, people like MIL makes my life so much harder bc people think Iā€™m joking bc not many people have my allergies that bad

  14. Op and sleeping girlfriend: not the jerk. If it was so important to her, she could have gotten up and got ready. He was being nice by letting her sleep in but its still on her. Then she wants to act like a brat because he didnt bend to what she wanted. She knew the plans. I dont understand why women dont take accountability for their actions.b

  15. Your daughter chose twice TWICE to lay with a man, not use protection, and bring a baby into this world. Opal may have had a great life, but believe me, her mother floating in and out , choosing everything in her life except her daughter, has left wounds on her very soul. So by telling her no right off doesn't allow a slow dumping of her child. Like she did the first time. Stand strong.

  16. The story about OP not waking his gf. He is SO not the AH. Gf is nothing but a big honking girl baby. Dump her and find yourself a grown woman who can take care of herself. She is supposedly an adult. Adults can set an alarm and get themselves up on time so they can be ready on time. She's blaming OP for her own lack of planning and ability, so can go forget herself.

  17. The single mom hitting up OP for child support for a kid that's not his is being ridiculous. They never had a one-on-one relationship, they were only roommates in a shared residence. If she can't afford to support her kid, she needs to go after the baby daddy, not a former roommate. It doesn't matter if she thinks her kid has 'imprinted' on him. What if she took the baby to a daycare with a male employee and the kid 'imprinted' on him? Would she go after that guy for child support, too? You can't just demand child support from any guy your kid seems to like. OP should not even loan her any money. He'll most likely never see it again and she could try to use it as evidence that he has shown willingness to accept financial responsibility for the kid. She's probably just saying he owes her because she knows that he now makes more money than he used to, so she's trying to get a piece of it.


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