Himesh Patel reads the most hilarious response to a university rejection letter

When Paul Devlin was in high school applying for a university place, he noticed a grammatical error in a rejection letter sent to him by Harvard. Hehad no choice but to reject their rejection. The event was so therapeutic that Paul then decided to respond to all universities’ rejections with the following letter, which soon became so popular that it was reprinted in the New York Times in 1981.

Himesh Patel joined us at Letters Live at the Royal Albert Hall in October 2022 to read this letter.

Enjoyed this? Watch Himesh read a brilliant letter to Richard Branson, complaining about Virgin Atlantic”s in-flight meal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8x_44vFO2c

Letter © Paul Devlin


11 thoughts on “Himesh Patel reads the most hilarious response to a university rejection letter”

  1. Honours in Communication, Bachelor of Human Resourcefulness and Associate Diploma of Sticking Rejection to Them 🫵
    Read brilliantly, and Hamish wearing the “Choose Love” ❤️badge tops it off.


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