Why You Wouldn't Survive I Am A Hero's ZQN Zombie Apocalypse

What happens when zombies can talk????

Edited by @QuickFlixYT
BGM -Ghost Memories: https://soundcloud.com/ghost_memories

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32 thoughts on “Why You Wouldn't Survive I Am A Hero's ZQN Zombie Apocalypse”

  1. 40. Why You Wouldn’t Survive Outlast Murkoff Experiments
    – Origins
    – Outlast 1
    – Outlast 2
    – Outlast Trails
    – Morphagentic Engine
    – Variants
    – Murkoff
    – Walrider
    – New Ezekiel Cult
    – Outlast comics

  2. Not trying to be rude but why is this guys voice so much different than a year ago? Sounds like a completely different person running the channel now. Just slightly similar to the old voice

  3. I know how I’d survive every zombie apocalypse. I wouldn’t. I’d probably off myself first chance I get just so I don’t have to suffer or turn into a zombie

  4. this is my favorite zombie manga out there… the zombie apocalypse happen in what? chp 13? till then you have a slight abnormal and depressing slice of life with springles of whats about to happen. the chp that showed how the zombies saw each other was an OH SHIT moment

  5. Something that is sad that they removed in the encounter with GF of the mc is that they really loved each other where the lady made it so she removed her own teeth so they cannot bite mc or maybe that was just the mc's delusion because he's an unreliable narrator

  6. The open source game Cataclysm is what I'm reminded of when I see these ZQN zombies. For reference, I've mostly played the Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead branch and zombie mutations is a constant thing.
    In fact, you gotta pulp the bodies or else the infection revives it the next day or so which takes time. The mutations also get quite crazy:
    Tough Zombies are your athletic types, initially they got higher HP and deal more damage but they can mutate into a stronger zombie that can knock your character around. That can then mutate into a hulk that will smash the crap out of you.
    Interestingly enough there are headless zombies that can only detect stuff next to them but they can mutate into a different variant.
    Police and military zombies can also fuse with their Kevlar to become Kevlar skinned zombies (an excellent source for Kevlar sheets when you skin them!)

  7. The scariest part is there would be ZQN who would be prior special operations in the military as well as hybrids of the same caliber. It would all depend on their mental stability/fortitude.

  8. The Japanese can make some really good zombies. They look uncanny, make weird alien-like noises as if communicating, and have a grotesque spasming way of moving.

    …not to mention the zombies they've come up with are pretty scary too.

  9. yeah idk how someone could stutter in killing a love one who's a zombie. Like, look at them, they're ruined,they're messed up, letting them live is the opposite of mercy, how can you let your loved one live like that? arm missing,eyes bleeding,pieces of their body missing? I just can't ,I feel like I'd need to find them just to put them out of their mercy ,it'd hurt me to imagine them unable to stop themself

  10. Just to add upon the "special" variant ZQN – They are called Combat-Type ZQN in the manga and don't only come from physically able people. It is half physical prowess and half determination. They also have the ability to regenerate, taking over the bodies of other ZQN by severing their head and attaching to the body. So even if you think you got rid of one, he might come back with more knowledge.


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