Why You Should Seek Power, Not Happiness – Nietzsche's Guide to Greatness

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49 thoughts on “Why You Should Seek Power, Not Happiness – Nietzsche's Guide to Greatness”

  1. I like Nietzsche, he’s a favourite of mine for sure but I think he overestimates man’s nature in assuming it is more than willing to suffer for the sake of a higher goal. It is not. I can assure you most people don’t think like this, even most people who say they think like this don’t think like this.

  2. I really like Nietzsche's ideas and thoughts. However, I can't help but look to his life to see if his thoughts worked for human existence. He went mad with no organic (ie physical) cause known. That's a little disconcerting. Should i follow the ideas that made a man go mad? More problematic is that his sister basically sold his philosophies to the Nazis. Not a great combination. I think that philosophers speaking truth about life should be judged more by the life they lived than the theoretical words they wrote. Camus is my hero on this front.

  3. I disagree with this philosophy entirely. Seeking power is a futile exercise and will only lead to disappointment. When you realise you already are the power you seek, what’s actually required is letting go of material attachments so the real purpose that is your “le” or pattern of the world and it’s unique to everyone will emerge, that is then how you truly become unique and scary, it’s what society and it’s matrix is trying to hide from you while others actually do want you to see it

  4. Ever since I was a young teengager, I've always priortized power and strength over happiness. I recently started reading Nietzche, (partly due to your videos) and it resonates with me so much.

  5. There is only this world. This moment. This struggle. Life is war and might makes right. The only purpose for the Strong is to destroy the Weak. Money, Sex and Power, the True Trinity, everything else is COPE. Love, God and Wisdom are refugees for the souls of the Weak. Live to rule upon others. When asked the Meaning of Life, the Ubermensch replies – to crush your enemies, see them driven before you and hear the lamentation of the women.

  6. This is very important thing you shared with us, I've been observing this myself before even watching this, Big Thanks for sharing this. Knowledge is a light that makes the way clearer and help us lead better life.

  7. As a german man I´m really proud of NIETZSCHE,one of the best philosophers of all time(in my humble opinion),
    my main influences are SCHOPENHAUER,NIETZSCHE and STIRNER ,besides eastern
    philosophie and spirituality !

    If you guys speak german I ´d say read "DER WILLE ZUR MACHT "in german ! 😉

  8. I couldn't disagree more with Nietzsche (impossible name to spell btw). Understanding is a far more superior power than simple power, and his insights are simply selfish, only about the self. Very shallow. He seems to have no understanding of concepts deeper than himself. Sad. He really should've gone on vacation. Those ancient beliefs of Nimrod's generation are no more appealing now than they were then, and Zarathustra is a fraud.

  9. "At the present time there is perhaps no more widely spread prejudice than that of thinking that we know what really and truly constitutes morality. Every one now seems to learn with satisfaction that society is beginning to adapt the individual to the general needs, and that it is at the same time the happiness and sacrifice of each one to consider himself as a useful member and instrument of the whole. They have still, however, doubts as to the form in which this whole is to be looked for, whether in a state already existing, or in one which has yet to be established, or in a nation, or in an international brotherhood, or in new and small economic communities. On this point there is still much reflection, doubt, struggling, excitement, and passion; but it is pleasant and wonderful to observe the unanimity with which the “ego” is called upon to practice self-denial, until, in the form of adaptation to the whole, it once again secures its own fixed sphere of rights and duties,—until, indeed, it has become something quite new and different. Nothing else is being attempted, whether admitted or not, than the complete transformation, even the weakening and suppression of the individual: the supporters of the majority never tire of enumerating and anathematising all that is bad, hostile, lavish, expensive, and luxurious in the form of individual existence that has hitherto prevailed; they hope that society may be administered in a cheaper, less dangerous, more uniform, and more harmonious way when nothing is left but large corporations and their members. All that is considered as good which in any way corresponds to this desire for grouping men into one particular society, and to the minor cravings which necessarily accompany this desire,—this is the chief moral current of our time; sympathy and social feelings are working hand in glove."
    -Nietzsche (From The Dawn aphorism 132)

  10. I always say this and people think I’m crazy. It’s power you want, internal power, power to be able to get through anything. THAT leads to happiness. Not power to manipulate others but to manipulate your own ego

  11. But Jesus Christ rejected power for He knew this world wasn't he wanted to rule
    I call to all to reject power and be in a position to serve others in humility.
    This will soon perish and a new one reborn

  12. Ehhh. Feel like this definition stands in too stark of a contrast to the conventional idea of social power. Its true that the people who absolutely live to control others are weak and insecure. But Power without the ability to influence, inspire and compete against others is just self improvement.. Yeah it's cool to be able to do a windmill dunk. Maybe you become the same level of athlete as an NBA player. But you dont have the wealth, the fame, the dating options as an NBA player. Just feel like,… yeah… I totally support defining power in a spiritual self improvement sense. But let's not stretch that definition so far that we lose sight of the fact that getting rich is some cool ass shit.


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