Why More Layoffs are Coming as Wall Street & Investors Brace For an Earnings Nightmare

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27 thoughts on “Why More Layoffs are Coming as Wall Street & Investors Brace For an Earnings Nightmare”

  1. The only thing you can do is make sure you're ready and plan accordingly because recessions are a natural part of the economic cycle. I began my career during a recession (2009). Aerial acrobatics on cruise ships was my first job out of college. I've developed my own business, am a vice president at a large corporation, own three rental homes, invest in stocks and cryptocurrency especially, and have seen a growth in my net worth of two million dollars over the past four years, my advice to newbies in crypto trading to make up there mind and invest in crypto now that they have the chance to buy

  2. Corporations are in bed with the criminal disgusting government. That most certainly is not a free market capitalist system. That would be a fascist system.

    And the Federal reserve is a criminal entity as well but people want to continue to stick their head in the sand.

    Stand up and be totally self-sufficient, the grocery store is not being self-sufficient. Walmart is not being self-sufficient.

  3. Shove all that data where the sun doesn’t shine. This is a catastrophe, Myself & the average American is in all out crisis as groceries doubled. We have 32 trillion debt with 1 trillion a year in debt service, which your statistics conveniently overlook… Stock market is the federal reserve’s playground & means nothing

  4. The market is still in "tulip land", and Wall Street is still in "con-artist land" (Oh, but blame it on the computers) . The Shiller PE is at 28 (historical mean 17, median16). So if the market dropped 40%, from here, it would be back to average, even with average inflation. You may make money betting on tulips. Many did. But eventually reality will take hold. Fundamentals always come back to haunt investors, especially the FOMO types. Vegas and Wall Street look more and more alike each day. Imagine all those MBA's swept up in delusions.

  5. You've got no idea how wrong you are. There's still a ways to go. At least 3 to 4 more quarters of declines. Fed ups interest rates 0.25 in Feb. Then 0 in March and they hold hold to practically end of year. Unless something really bad happens, then the spineless Fed start cutting interest rates and market just go down, down, down, regardless of cuts. It'll take a wile for market to fill positive, maybe another quarter, then it goes up.

  6. IF the dollar weakens doesn't that naturally push commodity prices back up… ergo, rocketing inflation? Doesn't that then require more rate hikes?
    Add that the consumer is tapping out and where is all the purchasing coming from to maintain profits. You can bump a quarter or two on layoffs to manipulate bottom line but pretty sure we're all expecting that too.

    Not sure how anything has really changed despite all your words.

  7. I am so fortunate that I made productive decisions about my finances that changed my life forever. I am a single mum living in Melbourne Australia who bought my second home in September and is hoping to retire next year at 50 if things continue to go smoothly for me

  8. Oh my gosh..you nailed it. I sit at my computer, watching and trading the market, shaking my head…The economic news and what I see with my eye's
    is not consistent with what the market is doing. I keep thinking…The Machines are in charge.

  9. More layoffs = lower inflation = no hawkish from fed = good for stock market. Recession = more printing money = usd down = good for stock market. My opinion.


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