Xbox Games Showcase + Starfield Direct

It’s a games double feature! We kick things off with the Xbox Games Showcase, then immediately follow with Starfield Direct, a deep dive into the highly anticipated RPG from Bethesda Game Studios.

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43 thoughts on “Xbox Games Showcase + Starfield Direct”

  1. Star Citizen players should be upset. Especially if they have been a major investment backer. They are still waiting on a game that never came, over 10 years and millions of dollars, and all you got is a skeleton of a game. When Bethesda just said let's do it and got it done.

  2. I have been flooded with comments from my subscribers about me being in Starfield. They have all seemed to have gotten that conclusion from the tiny incident in space where someone asks the main ship pilot if they want to come over … I think.. for lunch? and it says "grandma" beside their ship. I have been telling everyone "NO I am not in this game!!" I finally am telling them it may be just a "nod" . I don't know what else to do or say to my commenters!!! It is taking up a LOT of time!!! Is there anything else I should say to them to make them STOP?

  3. Ive been saying for a while this game is going to hit it out of the park, because it HAS to hit it out of the park. The future of XBOX quite literally depends on it, and MS knows this.

  4. Hey i I'm South Korean, and I've looked forward to Starfield for months and I get no language customization for my country. Hey, Bethesda, are you not major? Are you not capable? Don't you think you need to at least add the subtitles in their language if you wanna officially release your game there? What are you thinking? Is this the way MS XBOX first party studio boasts its unmatched lack of basic sense? How professional. So you are forcing me to play all alone because you don't care about whoever don't speak English in South Korea??

  5. Пожалуйста,дайте потомкам покорителя космоса играть на родном русском языке ,ну и корейский не помешал бы ,ну что вас стоит сабы сделат.

  6. After some serious thought I have decided that Starfield 100% needs to include a dead nord in steel armour on a random lifeless moon. The honour the "feature" that was the Skyrim space program.

  7. Featuring thousands planet to be discovered, I hope in the future we can see a seaside futuristic city just like the one in the CoD Infinite Warfare & Killzone3.
    I can only imagine the experience to fly over the epic environment like the one in titanfall2; massive cliffside research facility featuring riverside view – using the suit like the one the Anthem has.
    If you guys could added a titanfall like mech – that would be awesome.

  8. How anybody can compare this to no man sky is beyond me. This game looks so much better graphically and gameplay wise. No mans sky was boring and grindy this game though has my attention and I can’t wait to play it

  9. Screw this game! (30 FPS… are you f-ing kidding me?)

    I didn't buy a next-gen console for 30 f-ing FPS! And just like Cyberpunk, Bethesda & Microsoft are being very careful NOT to advertise how the "what you see" in the trailers is NOT "what you'll get" unless you're running Starfield on a PC rig with a monster of a graphics card. The only notice you see in the trailer is "in-game footage;" nothing about how it's a PC capture, nor what type of graphics equipment was used.

    Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying Starfield won't be fun. I'm saying that I'm sick and tired of developers not being forthcoming. After Starfield releases and all the people that haven't been paying close attention find out that their Xbox Series X can only play it at 30 FPS, people will freak out the same way they did with REDFALL…. probably worse. At least they're [finishing] fixing Redfall. But after the delays, lack of fresh content, and all the broken promises with Halo Infinite, I don't believe MOST of what Microsoft says anymore.

    Things better change, Phil Spencer. First, Xbox focuses almost all of its resources away from single-player games. Now it seems as if they can't release a bug-free game with the features they promised, either?

    (Honestly, I'm not holding my breath for Redfall either. I'm half-expecting an announcement any day now that it will stay 30 FPS as well.)


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