Why Moistcr1tikal REALLY DISLIKES Overwatch 2

Moistcr1tikal is really dissapointed by Overwatch 2.

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36 thoughts on “Why Moistcr1tikal REALLY DISLIKES Overwatch 2”

  1. Just love how they decided to make everythings to be they way player didn't wanted.
    did you know that when Overwatch first came out, The Chinese community literally called the game @ss, and now they "nerf" it. lmao

  2. All of our founders are gone in Blizzard . It's just an empty shell of it's former glory.
    It's like Apple
    Steve Jobs announcing the iPhone, it's always awesome like Jeff announcing Overwatch.

    Not anymore. :/

  3. Couldn’t they have just made it so that shield heroes are put in a category like how you can’t have more than one of the same character but you just can’t have more than one shield character

  4. they shouldve really called it a reboot or a relaunch of overwatch instead of overwatch 2, because the game itself is amazing, its improved in most ways, its just when you put the 2 there it changes peoples expectations

  5. I like everyone complaining about them calling it "2" as if cod games, battlefield games, 90% of the shooter genre and many many other genres (sports games) do the exact same shit routinely. Gaurentee you there's no need to keep releasing new cod games, just keep adding content to one of them. Seems pretty stupid that overwatch gets the hate end of that stick while these other big name titles get a free pass because… Reasons

  6. You know when league of legends transitioned from old graphics to newer and better looking, and their constent champion reworks, and it's still the same game after all these years… Blizzard makes a slight change to some heroes, removes one role and they call it a brand new game, that's not how you make the game better… That's how you kill your franchise.

  7. Guys lets set some things straight, Overwatch 2 pvp isnt actually overwatch 2. Overwatch 2 will be the pve, the pvp is just Overwatch 1 but infinitely better which I really like. Secondly, people are complaining that it is way too similar to the original, but the playerbase simply doesn't understand that moving a game to another engine is actually really difficult and takes a lot of time, personally I am actually impressed with how much they got done. Trust me, I have been playing overwatch 1 since launch. I am genuinely one of Overwatch 1's biggest haters, this game is GENUINE DOGSHIT. However, I am also one of Overwatch 2's biggest supporters, it feels like old overwatch is back. The oppressive things like sigma, bap, brig, zen, etc didnt feel nearly as oppressive in overwatch 2. Tank players had more control in their hands, dps finally had some impact on the game, and support players finally had to be proactive with their cooldowns instead of going afk to win like they do in OW1. I think if they keep going with this direction, Overwatch will be the top fps game again. The overwatch 2 beta was fucking amazing, I hope they keep going in this direction. And even if the pvp stays similar to the original (the game feels extremely different in some ways and extremely similar in other ways imo), I think that's good! There is absolutely no reason to complain about that because the game will be free! Like these people are getting all upset because "omg they're calling this a sequel when it's actually overwatch 1.5", like that is literally the least problematic thing ever considering the game is free, and anyone who uses that as an argument simply shouldn't be taken seriously. I am actually glad they kept the identity of the original game, I am extremely excited that the game will be fun again. When Overwatch does something wrong, I am one of the first people to speak up about it. I am one of the first people to get upset and I am one of the only people writing essays explaining why what they did is wrong. And it's not cause I don't have a life or anything, it is simply because I love what this game used to be and I want that feeling back. So when Overwatch does something right, I am one of the first people in the audience cheering for their accomplishment, even if all these idiots online bring up dogshit points.

  8. Ok this is a much much better take than dunkey’s as an overwatch fan. It’s not like they didn’t change anything (most of the changed were needed and are good), it’s just a huge marketing problem

  9. The redesigns are also really terrible. Genuinely every character except Mercy looks worse than OW1. Everyone looks like a toy, the unique quirks of the character designs have been watered down and it all just looks so homogeneous and bland now.

  10. I cannot fathom how excited I am for this game, and I seriously hope it does well. But every time I hear people talk down about it, all I can do is nod my head in shame and agree with them lmao


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