Why Healers HATE Healing You in Solo Shuffle

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0:00 – Healers Hate Healing You
1:07 – Kiting To Your Healer
3:43 – Kiting Out Of AoE Defensives
5:31 – Not Responding To Enemy Abilities
7:00 – Overlapping CDs

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46 thoughts on “Why Healers HATE Healing You in Solo Shuffle”

  1. Yeah, I was gonna push on my rsham. Not happening. It's impossible just your first few games even. Too many bots, randomly throwing, not pressing defensives ever. Just wastes of oxygen running around being the absolute downs syndromes they are. You can't do shit.

  2. Warrior runs in LoS burns all CDs into enemy teams wall. He's at 20% I dome and heal him, he runs out of the dome. I leap of faith him back, he doesn't let me top him off , leaps back into the battle I burn power word life and run in towards him to try and frantically heal him through a pillar. The warrior never leaves his target the entire match. I get over exposed and cc'ed and warrior dies. The lobby strategy is now "train the warrior" so the Warrior loses 5 rounds then quits.

  3. It not y'all fault its the game fault. I recognize the fact that most ppl cant stand LFG and can't find partners… and blizzard decided that the only game mode they'll add solo que to is the meme PvE zug zug weekly brawl instead of actual real 3s. Every healer chooses to play the game mode and have blizzard provide them their random teammates, instead of getting partners for real 3s which is infinitely easier as a healer. So when mistakes inevitably happen due to the lack of structure in the gutted version of 3s, we have no one to blame but ourselves for putting ourselves in that position in the first place. 🙂

  4. Healers hate healing people during solo shuffle..?
    I never knew that. Prob bc I'm a healer lol.
    I always try healing people.
    Unless I got bored. Then I try to kill people in non PvP instances.

  5. I only hate healing at times when the match goes far enough that both healers are completely oom in a 1.9mmr lobby. when i play mains at 2.6 matches are 90seconds tops usually.
    there are a lot of healers quing solo shuff that literally dont know their healing rotation at all and have awful throughput or try to hard to cc/land kills instead of healing

  6. You wonder why healers hate healer? I can deal with bad DPS, I can deal with being tunneled, what I refuse to deal with is being arbitrarily nerfed by X% out the get to and than for me to continue to be nerfed by an ever increasing % for the crime of doing my job, IE keeping people alive.

    RSS is nothing but a negative feedback loop for healers. Do good? Get nerfed. Power through it? Get nerfed more. Manage to go even? Still lose rating. Go positive with 4-2? Take home as much rating as the DPS going 2-4.

    RSS is literally designed to punish and abuse healer, not because of the DPS but because of the very design of RSS itself. Why in the hell would anyone want to do that if they are not a masochist who likes the abuse.

  7. PvP in DF became a total garbage, 2vs2 bracket was killed for avarage players cause each camp 1600+ has player 2400+ exp this season & playing not meta class is a joke. I quit healing not only cause of dps players doing sh1t but cause of motivation when result in some matches predictable at start when there is 1 weak player it’s a 3-3 & 0 rating for healer , y sure sometimes healers have 0 rating for 4-2 cause of matchmaking but who cares. 1800 rating at 2vs2 is like a 2200+ atm. Even SL 1st season was a heaven in a comparison with this! Solo shuffle on healer making me cry! Played since classic, there was no season worth than this! Total failure!

  8. I'm 3 seasons deep into my rewatch of x-files (watching to compare Fringe to it) 3×24 eppys. I've gotten like 5 solo q pops the entire time. Fun game.

    We need to figure out stuff here; This video, while great, was sort of supposed to be what solo q would be about. For players to be able to get better at this game mode, so they could then go play structured 3s with other players and feel good//comfortable.

    40 minute queues…. How is anyone who isn't a teenager//pro streamer supposed to play….

    I seriously don't understand how it takes this team so long to figure out solutions to problems… Make it is so queuing as a healer gives you bonus shit and make that shit account wide (i.e conquest) so I can play the game, but then also can facilitate the actual character I want to. Fuck, you've stolen everything else from FFXIV this xpack, except for this, hurry up already.

    EDIT: OR make unranked solo q, and have that reward conquest.. people keep saying how alt friendly this thing is…. I disagree immensely. I was gone for a month to do other things with my life. Had some free time, logged in and i'm 4k conquest away from cap. I can basically run one solo q a night with the queue times, maybe two if I really want to no life it. Give me another reliable way to earn conquest.

    I don't understand how they're not trying anything at all to fix this shit show…

    This was created so that solo players (aka non streamers) who couldn't or didn't have time to find partners could play. This version is basically at the point where non soloq lfg is at. One of the biggest complaints of that system was the sheer time it took to find and or keep a group that wouldn't leave after a single loss.

    Regular people ain't got time for this shit. Fuck I'm sure it's even awful for streamers, because sitting in q for 45 minutes doing nothing must be entertaining as fuck…

    Sorry for the rant, I'm just seriously confounded as to why there hasn't even been any communication about ideas as to improve this experience.

  9. this is a smart combo of content + using your brand to effect good changes in the game. Well done SkillCapped, more stuff like this would be cool to see.

  10. I've been playing resto druid since S2, you couldn't pay me to heal in this expansion. Blizzard has always had a fetish for blink and you're dead gameplay, in this expansion it's combined with things like….stacking healing debuffs they didn't intend. Blizz keeps pushing out changes, that their QA can't keep up with, and healers are the ones taking it in the shorts because of it. Blizzard thinks long hard cast times + long CC chains and insane burst windows is fun gameplay? Enjoy your hour+ long ques, and I can only hope it gets worse, maybe someone at Blizzard will climb down off of the melee CC/burst wagon. You reap what you sow.

  11. Im not a fan or arena playstyle but im trying rss for the mount, Qs for my DPS is just not possible with my gametime so im giving healing a shot…..and nope! back to 35min Qs for DPS. theres is no way im healing that shitshow. and as soon as i get the mount then no more RSS or arenas for me. its just frustrating gameplay.

  12. Huge thanks SC from the healer community. Healers not perfect tho. Wish same video with common healers mistakes such as: dring everyone with incap, 10% hp domes, rushing for cc when dps dies etc.

  13. healers dont want to play because they are stuck winning 0 rating 90% of the time with 3win 3loses because theres always 1 dps that goes 0-6 and he gets focused the entire game


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