I regretted pulling Raiden until I tried Hybrid Raiden

Raiden used to be the character I regretted getting the most. She had been benched for a year and a half. But a while ago I realized that a certain weapon enabled a Hybrid play style in a way that makes her not only fun to me, but also so strong that I genuinely believe Hybrid Raiden is the best way to play her.

Cut Segment using a dmg Calculator to show dmg with different weapons and without C2 Nahida, among other things:

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00:00 The Flaw and the “Fix”
03:01 The Fun Part (Teams Showcase)
04:01 Furina/Bennett/Nahida/Hybrid Raiden
05:00 Rational/Raiden Hyper/Hyperbloom Control Tests
09:46 Why Versatility is Important
11:21 DMC/XQ/Bennett/Hybrid Raiden
12:25 DMC/Yelan/Fischl/Hybrid Raiden
13:51 Nahida/Yelan/Fischl/Hybrid Raiden
14:56 Baizhu/Furina/Fischl/Hybrid Raiden
15:33 Sucrose/DMC/Yelan/Hybrid Raiden
17:12 Sucrose/Baizhu/Furina/Hybrid Raiden
17:59 Yelan/Furina/Nahida/Hybrid Raiden
18:43 Furina/Baizhu/Ganyu/Hybrid Raiden
19:52 So, WHY is SoSS needed?
27:52 Artifacts
30:55 Difficulty to get SoSS vs C2 Raiden
36:02 Segment that isn’t a segment
36:29 Worst Case Scenario Hybrid Raiden
39:44 “Hypercarry” Hybrid Raiden
43:49 I no longer regret Raiden

#RaidenShogun #hybridraiden #genshin #genshinimpact #hoyocreators


20 thoughts on “I regretted pulling Raiden until I tried Hybrid Raiden”

  1. Edit: I was informed of the fact that % based EM buffs don't get used in SoSS's EM to atk conversion. This is very weird, but does not change anything that I showed in video, but it does actually give more relevance to potentially choose DMC over Nahida for Hybrid Raiden, for example, as DMC would buff Raiden's talent based dmg more than Nahida. Oh, and Sucrose EM buff doesn't work either, therefore Kazuha is obviously a better choice than her if using an Anemo unit with Hybrid Raiden.

    There is a lot of additional things I wanted to mention in this comment. Most importantly, iirc I said this in the video, BUT DONT COMPARE THE CLEAR TIMES THAT MUCH. Would I have shown some things differently in hindsight? For sure, I am not perfect, theres things I couldve done better for this video. But remember that there is too much slight variaton between my play or the things the enemies do to use the clear times to compare the individual teams. I did ONE TAKE for every team I showed. I optimized for nothing, and I think it is more honest to show it this way. Like good lord, I know I played National wrong (and I know about Sara, more about her below), but that WAS NOT THE POINT. I wasn't saying National was bad, but was including it to specifically try to show Raiden's damage in national as a simple control comparison for the damage Raiden contributes specifically. That's it. That's why I said I played it wrong. The point of showing all those teams is the team diversity. I think Raiden having few relevant teams with her traditional emblem playstyle (where she uniquely has a fit in) is emblematic of her C0 carry playstyle problems by how little she gains from new units releasing. Even Furinas release happened, and the only traditional Raiden team with her people seem to like is basically Mono Hydro but with Raiden on field (Raiden/Jean/Furina/Yelan). I ultimately just wanted this video to show that getting SoSS for Raiden may be a worthwhile option to get more value out of her kit like it did for me, as it makes me genuinely have a lot of fun with Raiden when I found little I enjoyed about her kit before. This may not be the case for you, but it is for me. I want my videos to show how I have fun in Genshin not as a gambling simulator, but as a game.

    Checkout the description for the segment that shows numbers using a dmg calculator without C2 Nahida and with different weapons, among other things. Its pretty dry, but it is there if you wanted more directly compared numbers for various Hybrid Raiden things. I also have expanded on some specific thoughts in some replies to a number of comments on this video.

    After more testing, I got up to 265k damage in the hybrid Raiden team I showed with C6 Sara (after activating C2 Furina, over 200k is possible without C2). But overall, as I've used the team more, Sara just feels like an awkward character to use with her hybrd playstle. Fun only in being able to see a really big number for Raiden. I substantially prefer hybrid Raiden with Bennett over Sara thus far. The team feels better and you still see really big Raiden damage (just slightly less, I got 245k with Bennett in the same situation), with Furina getting big vape damage too, plus overload damage and occasional satisfying damage from Raiden's non burst NAs with C6 Bennett. In other words, C6 Bennett is strong lol. But then Id also prefer Fischl over Sara too. Main reason to avoid Bennett for Hybrid Raiden, in my opinion, is if you use Dendro traveler and dont want to accidentally blow up their burst, or if you need Bennett in the other side of Abyss.

    One last thing, there is potential Hybrid Raiden synergy with a certain bird releasing in 4.4, though that synergy is kinda up in the air at the moment (Homdgcat said Raiden's plunge gets her buff but "won't trigger it" which probably was meant in relation to Xianyun's own off field burst dmg, but I dunno exactly). She is in beta right now though, so I obviously did not want to say anything concretely in the video related to a character that may not function as expected on release.

    Actually, one LAST last thing, I try not to be overly negative in my videos, but I think it is important to mention here–I think C0 Raiden's carry playstyle feeling like it needs a 5 star weapon to me is emblematic of how badly her kit was designed at C0. Personally, I think part of the reason Hoyo made hyperbloom as strong as they did was because they realized they messed up with her design and they need Raiden C0 to have more relevance than just as a bad C0 carry unit. I think her C0 kit's intended carry playstyle is particularly sad compared to Navia, who is kinda similar in that she can get big frontloaded damage, but Navia has more baseline team versatility (as a Geo unit!) and multiple instances of her big frontloaded damage compared to C0 Raiden's one main carry team (national, which is very strong without her) and one instance of frontloaded damage. I maintain that Raiden has the worst C0 kit design of any archon, probably because they wanted to bait you to get her C2. Point being, 5 star weapons should not make as big of a difference for any character to the degree SoSS does for Hybrid Raiden, in my opinion. But I am glad there is at least way for C0 Raiden's carry playstyle to feel good to me.

  2. Raiden's burst is boring as fuck, the animations are some of the most boring and unsatisfying attack animations in the game, even less than even some four stars, and I deeply regret getting her. I got her while trying to get a single copy of Sara for collection purposes because I liked Sara, and I've not pulled for a four star on a banner with a five star i dont want again ever since that incident.

  3. What are the individual top stats on your set? is it ER/EM/Crit%? are all subs essentially double crit with ER and EM or EM and Atk? Would this work equally well with gilded with Er/Er/crit? with heavy EM subs?
    I'm finding it pretty hard to get stats this good.

  4. I’m also using Scarlet spear and EM sands on Raiden, it’s a win-win, she gets to 2200 self buffed Attack in 2 swings while provides better reaction damage due to the increased EM (350 on mine)

  5. i randomly pulled staff of scarlet sands one day by complete accident and the same way i pulled by accident C1 on Raiden (while trying to get Sara’s constellations. i still have Sara C0 to this day lol). I put scarlet sands on Xiangling without giving it too much thought and i was saving for C2 Raiden to take advantage of this previous C1 random luck. but it never occurred to me to use her with scarlet sands actually. Now after watching your video I’m thinking if I should build my (hopefully) future C2 Raiden with scarlet sands. Is it worth it? Or will Raiden C2 work better with primordial jade winged spear?

  6. Is anyone else completely lost with Hybrid, Hyper(carry) and Hyper(bloom)? If I'm tracking correctly that Furina-Nahida-Sara-Raiden team is… ??Hybrid-Hyper-Hyper-Hybrid?? Hybrid build Raiden on a team that is a hybrid of hyper(bloom) and hyper(carry)??? We need better words.

  7. Dang was sort of excited to see what could fix my c0 raiden issues and it’s a limited 5* weapon. Prior to dendro, the team I was running with raiden that I thought was the most fun was an electro-charge team of yelan/XQ with kuki and raiden, not the most damage but it felt good to play. I think now maybe a team like raiden furina yelan and maybe Jean or something is pretty strong (need to fix my Jean to test for myself).

  8. I just so happened to pull for soss and was planning on going for rational team but after seeing this would you recommend I try a dendro team with all em on her? If I were to do rational I have c2 Bennett c6 xiangling with the catch and xingqiu c1

  9. 11:43 im not sure if this is 100% true but im pretty sure that dmc’s dendro application doesn’t actually increase bc of ICD. So electro will only increase her personal damage which isnt that high

    Didnt know it also increased electro dmg, mb

  10. Still even hyberbloom is broken, less than 1% of the player base actually build EM Raiden lol (base on the statics in the artifact page). I don't think they have Raiden hyberbloom in mind and when they design dendro either, that seem like a stretch, it more likely just pure accident that she work with hyberbloom. Lastly I personally like Raiden more than other archon because she still feel the most fun and natural when on field with her even at c0. Other archon just feel better to just be E Q bot

  11. I died a little inside watching that hypercarry raiden rotation.. raiden E kazuha EQ bennet EQ sara EQ then raiden Q. because saras buff last for 6 sec and doing that first you literally get 0 benefit from sara apart from the little stacks you get at c0 from party members buffs.. You raiden should easily hit around 300k with that crit ratio if done properly.

  12. Just for clarification for the hyper raiden part at 8:00 sara must be used as last character before raisen otherwise you're not getting her attack buff her 60% crit dmg buff or elegy you can also EQ de buff her own dmg which is relevant cuz she does between 100 and 200k depending on the investment
    Anyway l tried hybrid raiden i must say it feels really good especially the furina nahida bennet or jean team but i didn't swap to soss or artefacts i m too lazy 😅


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