First Lord of the Rings Draft – Let's Amass Some Orcs! | LOTR Draft | Stream VOD | MTGA

Take a look at my very first Lord of the Rings draft – do the Orcs have what it takes or will the Ring lead me astray?

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40 thoughts on “First Lord of the Rings Draft – Let's Amass Some Orcs! | LOTR Draft | Stream VOD | MTGA”

  1. I like how despite being 50x stronger this set is nowhere near as entertaining as the IPA draft since it's basically just unending card advantage or undercosted stuff with no drawbacks. Also 10+ years later and Wizards still expecting people to be happy about the thought of playing Cancel. Barf.

  2. Is the 3/4 flying scryer just way worse than Air Elemental? I feel like I've won a lot of games of limited by tying up the ground and having the biggest flier.

  3. I think the play at 49:01 was maybe just hold the March from the Black Gate so that the Army stays at exactly a 4/4 and can trade with Rangers even through a removal spell on Gothmog? There's gonna be an interesting dynamic in this set where because of the ring's skulk ability, sometimes you actually just don't want to make your creatures bigger.
    Loved the draft; great content as always!

  4. This format feels like a breath of fresh hair after the last threes sets. I like that every uncommon isn't an 8 paragraph essay that kills two creatures and does your taxes for you.


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