Why food is getting more expensive for everyone

Food prices are on the rise worldwide, including essential staples like bread, milk and eggs.

The United Nations’ Food Price Index tracks the monthly change in the price of a basket of food items. The five commodities making up this basket are cereals, vegetable oils, sugar, meats and dairy products.

In March 2022, the index recorded the highest price levels in its three-decade history. It has since come off that high slightly, but it is still well above levels seen in previous years.

Watch the video to find out what is behind the price increase. https://cnb.cx/3NToCX7

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39 thoughts on “Why food is getting more expensive for everyone”

  1. Снова стратегия Путина и всё такое))) Сами же ввели санкции против России – крупнейшего поставщика пшеницы, одного из главных поставщиков удобрений, одного из главных поставщиков энергоносителей в Европу. Энергокризис в Европе это когда к Германии построен крупный газопровод, но она его не использует потому что газ от России покупать не в интересах политиков)

  2. It's Expensive because Biden came in office…signed all the wrong bills. GAS WENT UP FIRST. THEN IT GOT WORSE. Then the war started in Ukraine and it got worse….WE Blame Biden/Harris

  3. Now we have to deal with Biden INFLATION ACT…see how it keeps getting worse. Ford is laying off thousands of workers…Not Hiring…firing. Biden keeps lying…

  4. It's all nonsence. For example Aldi use local suppliers not imported goods mainly. We produce eggs, milk, bread and meat in UK so how on Earth is the cost going up?
    If it's home grown produce then there shouldn't be any increases. Utter Crap. Their at it.
    Steve in Fife.

  5. This is a lie. It is what they want you to think. CNBC are touting a false narrative. There are NO energy crisis. It is the SANCTIONS that create it, and WE are the ones performing the SANCTIONS.

    The massive American investment in the fossil fuel industry, must be protected. Europe has agreed to shut Russia off/or reduce from the European oil & gas market, the most lucrative market in the entire world, and as you can hear Senator Cruz say, Texas are ready to start producing for export. He yells, 'kill the Nordstream pipeline and send weapons to the heroic Ukrainians.' Yeah..

    But the Europeans will not pay top dollar for a product they can get reliably next door, to a much cheaper prize. How can you explain that?

    That is where the Ukrainian war comes in. Get everybody fired up, make legally binding, rash decisions, that shut Russia out of the world's monetary market & inhibit their exports. Accomplish that & the American economy is saved.

    How will that save them, you ask?

    When one of the biggest oil producers out of the market, the oil supply will be constricted, thus securing a high base prize, whatever happens in the world economy. That saves the American energy sector.

    Then the crazy war machine will profit immensely off the world's increased tensions, and a prolonged insurrection war in Ukraine. NATO will buy guns like crazy. That saves the weapons industry, and thirdly it will weaken Russia, so Israel can get elbowroom & finish off Syria & possibly Iran, by partition them into smaller states along ethnic lines. And the cost increase of energy & food will create a monetary crisis in the 3rd world, where EU & US can bail out countries with resources to trade. This is the grand plan of the crazy people in this administration, and the one before, and before that all the way back to Mr Bush Sr.

    In my mind, the U.S. wanted this war. In a crazy high risk geopolitical game, with underlying economic incentives, America has fueled this war.

    The reasons for wanting war is rooted in the coming world economic crash, as I described above. The FEDS have kept the market artificially alive with its Quantitative Easing policy and its participation in the Repo market. The war in Ukraine is provoked, and has as its goal, to shut Russia out of the European energy market. Here are the 4 reasons for this crazy scheme;

    1. Keep oil supply low in the world, securing a high oil prize during coming crash.
    2. Secure a new Cold War in Europe, with massive profits for the weapons industry.
    3. Weaken Russia in Syria, creating elbowroom for Israel to finish off Assad & split Syria along ethnic lines.
    4. Cease 3rd world natural Resources.

    Easy to verify. Check min oil prize, U.S. & Russia need to be profitable. Check property market in China & in the U.S. Verify the state those markets are in right now. Check the finance Repo market. Check the U.S. ten year bond yield. The countries already bankrupt are:

    1. Sri Lanka.
    2. Pakistan.
    3. South Africa.
    4. Turkey.
    5. Egypt.
    6. Tunisia.
    7. Lebanon.
    8. Peru.
    9. Brazil (In trouble).

    But there is a problem. USA's energy needs must be met. And how will the US do that? You ask. How can the refineries along the gulf get feedstock (crude oil) cheep enough now that they have kicked out Russian oil? Venezuela baby, there is your answer. Google search for 'U.S. ties easing of Venezuela sanctions to direct oil supply' and you will see for yourself.

    But Venezuela wants to sell at market prize. You say. He he – no they won't. The trick is that America has enforced sanctions on them, and they lack infrastructure to get the production volume up. You get it? Yes baby. And Manduro play ball. He has to. If not, a bloody insurrection backed by the CIA in neighboring country Columbia will wreck his country, and pave the way for a coup by the US puppet Juan Guaidó.

    Now that the war has happened, and Russia is cut out of the market, FEDS will stop QE & raise the interest rate. As soon as Venezuela agrees to sell its oil to the US, the planned gargantuan crash can start.

    From the security perspective, the notion of Russia being a 'offensive' nation is wrong. Their posture is defensive. Putin is characterized as unhinged, mad, delusional and so on. He is not. He is human, though, and he does mistakes. Putin did one thing wrong, he invaded Ukraine. He should not have done that at all. He should have waited until the world crashed (as it is doing right now), and then flood the market with cheep oil. That would have built Russia to en economic power, crushed the American oil industry, struck a blow to the U.S. financial system, and blown up the energy independence of the U.S. to a point where the USD status as a reserve currency was threatened. Europe would have to come to an agreement with Russia (which they have asked for many times), and NATO possibly weakened.

    Instead, he went straight into the trap that was set for him with both feet.

    Ukraine is important to Russia because Russia has no geographic barrier onto their land. It is impossible for Russia to defend its borders if the opposition is present along all their borders. That is why it is imperative, for their security, that parts of the borderline are free of opposition. Ukraine is therefor vital for them. Just as the Caucasus is (Georgia). Even if Putin was president or not. Listen to Mr Stephen Cohen (RIP) and John Mearsheimers assessment of Russia strategic position in Europe.

    Go to 'Caspianreport' YouTube channel & see the video report 'Will Russia become a superpower?' This is two episodes and is an excellent introduction to the Geopolitics of Russia.

    Not to mention the hypocrisy from the U.S. considering their own history. Cuba is a prime example of U.S. policy. Read about the 'Monroe doctrine'.

    NATO has, in my mind, deliberately campaigned against Russia since the fall of the Soviet Union. The strategy now, during the crazy world economic situation, is to wage economic war on Russia, aimed at acquiring control of its assets.

    Europe is growing up. Sadly, too late. NATO expansion and the invitation of Ukraine & Georgia to join the alliance is highly questionable. Ask yourself these questions:

    1. Why did Ukraine NOT implement the Minsk agreement that they signed in 2015?
    2. Then this; Why did NATO invite Ukraine & Georgia to seek Membership when there was never a chance for them to join?
    3. And this; Why will Europe agree to shutting out Russia from the world's monetary system when it will only result in more chaos?

    The answer, in my opinion, it is an appeasement to U.S. foreign policy.

    "An appeaser is a man that feed a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last." – Sir Winston Churchill.

    Article 5 of NATO charter:
    The Parties agree that an armed attack against one or more of them in Europe or North America shall be considered an attack against them all, and consequently they agree that, if such an armed attack occurs, each of them, in exercise of the right of individual or collective self-defense recognized by Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations, will assist the Party or Parties so attacked by taking forthwith, individually and in concert with the other parties, such action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force, to restore and maintain the security of the North Atlantic area. Any such armed attack and all measures taken as a result thereof shall immediately be reported to the Security Council. Such measures shall be terminated when the Security Council has taken the measures necessary to restore and maintain international peace and security.

    Article 10:
    The Parties may, by unanimous agreement, invite any other European State in a position to further the principles of this Treaty and to contribute to the security of the North Atlantic area to accede to this Treaty. Any State so invited may become a Party to the Treaty by depositing its instrument of accession with the Government of the United States of America. The Government of the United States of America will inform each of the Parties of the deposit of each such instrument of accession.

    What mental gymnastics do you need to embark on to remotely think that;
    1. Georgia is part of Europe & the North Atlantic area?
    2. How can Ukraine, & Georgia, which has parts of their territory in dispute, and a state of war existed within their borders, enhance security in Europe, or in the North Atlantic area?

    Europe is directly responsible for the situation that now exist. They could have averted all this by studying history a little. Article 10 gives every country de facto VETO right for enlargement. As you see Turkey do against Finland & Sweden. Now we risk having a new Afghanistan in the middle of Europe. And the people that will die is the Ukrainians.

    As Max Bluhmentahl said it: America will fight to the last Ukrainian.

    Before I end my rant, I will raise another question you can ask yourself.

    Why was the Ukrainian Parliament stormed in 2014, one day after the then sitting President, Viktor Yanukovych, agreed to new elections?

    Look up 'Nuland-Pyatt leaked phone conversation _COMPLETE with SUBTITLES' and start from there.

    Go to Architects & Engineers for truth, look under EVIDENCE->Twin Towers->Explosive features & you will see what our enemy can do.

  6. i have an idea that could help solve the rising cost of living
    Which is we grow mushrooms on trays stacked on top of each other because mushrooms
    Our the perfecting candidate for it because if you were going to do it with cabbages for example
    The roof of each tray would block out the sunlight for the cabbages below however if you
    Do it with mushrooms you won't have that problem because most mushrooms don’t need sunlight And if a lot of people do it can bring down the cost of food worldwide because of supply and demand

  7. But yet nobody talks about the quality of our food getting lower than it used to be. So yes. You are paying more for something that used to taste better in many cases. BUT some foods have never changed usually the companies who have a specific speciality that they don't want to change to save a couple bucks…

  8. How about morons stop screaming that the world is going to end due to a NATURAL increase of temperature of 1.5 degrees? You want to starve, keep pushing your climate change scam: that'll do it.


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