Dr. Robert Zubrin – Opening Remarks – 25th Annual International Mars Society Convention

From the 25th Annual International Mars Society Convention, held at Arizona State University from October 20-23, 2022. The four-day International Mars Society Convention, held every year since 1998, brings together leading scientists, engineers, aerospace industry representatives, government policymakers and journalists to talk about the latest scientific discoveries, technological advances and political-economic developments that could help pave the way for a human mission to the planet Mars.

Conference Papers and some presentations will be available on www.MarsPapers.org

For more information on the Mars Society, visit our website at www.MarsSociety.org

#MarsSociety #2022MarsSocCon


5 thoughts on “Dr. Robert Zubrin – Opening Remarks – 25th Annual International Mars Society Convention”

  1. Inspiring introduction this year, Dr. Zubrin. Thank you for all you do to advance our society towards a space faring one. It's amazing to think, within my lifetime, going to Mars as a private citizen may be a reality.

  2. Watched this after seeing Dr Zubrin on Triggernometry. Both were very interesting. A couple of points occurred to me as I was watching …
    On the subject of freedom being the mother of invention: prototype steam-engines were known in Ancient Greece – but they were mere novelties and toys. There was no motivation to create the kind of engines that were produced in Britain centuries later, because Ancient Greece had slave labour.
    "Humans are not consumers of scarce resources, we are producers of resources" – that was brilliant! It's the inverse of the doom-mongering narrative that predominates in our culture – humans as "mindless consumers" munching away at the earth until there is nothing left. Dr Zubrin's optimistic message should be taught to our young people!


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